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Took the Plunge...Own a UAD now....


Active Member
Just a hello.

Picked up a UAD-1 Studio Pack today, but haven't installed it yet.

Many know me from the Nuendo Forums.
Thought I would bring some of my rantings here too. :)

Will start asking questions very soon.



Active Member
Hi lex If I remember correctly, you use the 3 gb switch, don´t forget to set the userva to 2900 or 2800 in boot ini. My 2 cards didn´t work untill I set it to 2800, at 2900 one card didn´t work.
(see sign)
Good luck


Active Member

You actually just answered the question I had about 2800 and 2900.

Looks like 2900 is for one card.



Active Member
some people can run 2 cards and more on 2900, also has to do with, mobo, graphixcard, networketc, everything that needs memory recources. Maybe you can even run without userva

.mr chris

Active Member
Greetings LEX! 8)



Hi Lex. Yep, I feel like I've know you for years from the Nuendo forum. Been reading your post like the daily news. I hope you have years of enjoyment like many of us have. But, be warned, once you've had a taste, 1 card will not be enough.



Active Member
This is very unfortunate for you Lex.

You are going to quickly want to get more.
I went from 1 to 4 in no time.

BTW, the Plate is an absolute must have, IMO. I was doing soem restoration work for a friend, of a classical pice. Very bad mono recoridng of a full orchestra. After going thorugh various plug-ins to make it sound better, i wanted to make it sound a little wider. I tried a couple of Reverbs, but the minute I stuck the Plate on it, it came to life.
UAD Bundle Month