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There are some plugins that I don't use often if at all. Wouldnt it be cool if you could return them to UA and trade up for plugins you actually need? For instance, Precision Limiter for Neve.

Wishfull thinking.


Active Member
I actually never use the Pultec at all. Would love to put the money from that towards a different pluging.

With all these really hungry dsp plugins coming out now, I wouldn't be able to use them if I wanted to, as the best most usefull plugins take priority over the ever decreasing available uad dsp.

bulls hit

Active Member
Taisoul said:
There are some plugins that I don't use often if at all. Wouldnt it be cool if you could return them to UA and trade up for plugins you actually need? For instance, Precision Limiter for Neve.

Wishfull thinking.
Why don't you like the limiter?


Sadly, left this world before his time.
I don't see why UA would or should do that. You've bought your license and probably have used it; why should UA exchange it for a new product?


i don't agree it's not like a piece of hardware that has taken some ageing and damage you don't have the code anymore so UA looses nothing. you can not use the new authorizations and the old because the reg-code changes.


Sadly, left this world before his time.
What use does UA have for a returned license? They develop new plugs to make some profit; if they start trading old plugs for new ones, how are they gonna survive/keep developing etc.? Give me 1 reason why UA should do that.


Active Member
i also think this is a bit irrational - you can´t trade in cd´s you don´t listen too anymore for new ones either... it would be like renting stuff for free. You bought it - you used what they engeneered.. fair deal.

I´d rather have (even more ;) vouchers and coupons a offers... for loyal and early customers


Akis don't you think that you would want to keep the ones you do use?
so on that point alone there would not be an ever revolving door for the end user.

but also they could make \"rules\" for it like.
You can not trade in a plug in that you had traded another one for.

a simple and refreshing business idea.

macmusic78 there is no reason that you cant have those things along with a trade in policy. plus we are talking about plugins people are not using.


Sadly, left this world before his time.
project said:
plus we are talking about plugins people are not using.
...but have already used, otherwise they wouldn't have bought them, right? :wink:

Beat God

well once they issue u a new reg file what is to stop u from using the old one when u want to use the plugs u so called traded?


Active Member
it woul mean too much administration work fur UA with nothing to gain ... also i have a lot of cd´s i don´t listen to anymore - no one´s taking them back...unfortunately ;)


New Member
what a silly idea.
how did you came about it, that a company should exchange products they sold should take them back, if the owner don't need them anymore?
maybe you ment the idea 0of renting or leasing, this wouldn't be so bad! If you can rent a plugin for five days, mhm, why not.
Magix doing this with Samplitude.


I suppose when you buy a plugin, you know why you're buying it. You've tried it(unless you bought a big pack). When I buy a new plug, I know that I need it and what sort of result I should expect, I use all my plugz, I picked them because they are useful.
Ok I don't use Nigel, but that's not a good reason why I should trade it for a Neve!
But yeah why not buying a time limited license for a given project?


I have never understood why people will take positions that are counter to their best interest. especially reasonable ideas. :?
I am for anything that will help me out as a consumer.
Also, I could totally understand if you guys owned UA or had stock in them but you sound kinda crazy to me. :lol:


Active Member
I suppose car owners can upgrade their cars...

I don't think a straight trade is the answer but maybe taking trading WITH money as well may possibly work...

if you use the old reg then you wouldn't be able to use the plugin you traded for...

UA would have to see it's best interest. If one has plugin A and trades for plugin B + $100 and UA believes that there are people who could not justify buying plugin B outright, then UA could be making more money... as they have received money for the original sale plus $100.

It could work... maybe! It's not a unreasonable or novel concept..



Active Member
macmusic78 said:
it woul mean too much administration work fur UA with nothing to gain ...
It wouldn't be at all. It could easily be automated using the internet as it is when we buy the plugins online. We have accounts and all they would need to do is add a trade feature.

The one flaw in a trade option is whether a dishonest user would swap back from one reg to another... but would that be worth it? There would still be a limitation of not being able to use both plugs at the same time...

The more I think about it, the more it could "possible" work...



Spacey said:
I actually never use the Pultec at all. Would love to put the money from that towards a different pluging.
Hmmm.....the Pultec, along with the Nigel, CS-1, 1176SE & RealVerb Pro are included (basically free) with every single DSP card sold. Everyone has these plugins so who in their right minds would want to buy or even trade one of their "Premium" plugins (those sold $$$, in the UA webstore) , for these ubiquitus ones. It does not seem logical, at all.
Anyway, in case, you have not read the UA support FAQ, on selling/transferring UAD-1 cards/plugins, here is the official UA policy:

http://www.uaudio.com/support/software/ ... nsfer.html

This one in particular seems to be the most germane to the discussion, at hand:

Q: I want to sell one or more of my plug-in licenses without selling my UAD-1(s). Is that possible?
A: Unfortunately not. We are going the extra mile to help customers resell UAD-1 cards and transfer their plug-ins (or non-plug-ins as the case may be), but we can't get tangled up in the second-hand plug-in business.


Active Member
.. and rightly so - bought is bought - if you don´t need it - don´t buy it - we all get the 14days trial - and \"basic\" plugins are basicly free anway so would not qualifiy for trading.
UA needs all their energy to develop new goodies for us - let us do them their buisiness.


Have to say it again!

I have never understood why people will take positions that are counter to their best interest. especially reasonable ideas. :?
I am for anything that will help me out as a consumer.
Also, I could totally understand if you guys owned UA or had stock in them but you sound kinda crazy to me. :lol:

PS. macmusic78, plugin programmers are not programming the HTML for the web that would support this idea!

also i must say that i don't have any plugs that i would want to trade-in.
but it seems stupid to advocate less options for myself.
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