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Trying to catch up, need advice on UAD-1


New Member
hi gang
i am an old time uad-1 user, still on the PCI card.
if i want to add another card to my system, can i mix and match uad-1 and uad-1e? or should stick to pci?
which leads to my next question: what are the benefits (if any) of the PCIe cards over the old PCI ones? bandwith? more power?




Active Member
The bennefit is that if you have no pci slots (free) and only pcie you can use uad-1´s. There is no real bennefit processing wise. On a well designed pcie mobo buss bandwith will be higher so maybe fewer pci problems running multiple cards, but only time will tell wich mobos are the best for uad1 pcie´s.
All the best!

bulls hit

Active Member
They have a couple of deals on the go at the moment too. The UAD-1e comes with a $100 plugin voucher and if you're crossgrading from an existing UAD-1 card they'll toss in another $100 voucher
UAD Bundle Month