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UA Dynamic EQ


Hi there,

I know there is the Sonnox Dynamic EQ realtime for UAD-2, but this one miss the RTA.
Using my Apollo for live sound, I wanted to have the UA quality sound/emulations realtime, but also a way to work fast.

Is there a hope to have an option for it one day (even a tick/untick for RTA, may consums more DSP, but we can imagine to use it only for the soundchecks, for example) ?

Or is there other UAD-2 plugins that I don't know which could do the job ?

For the studio I use Pro-Q3, I also tried the Waves F6 on a LV1 and it's a real added value for live and comfort, but I prefer not to use some third-parties softwares as Live Professor / Mainstage / WavesRack, that kills the interest of an Apollo for realtime (and security, if I'm correct, sound continues to play through my Apollo if the laptop goes off, not with these solutions)

Thanks for reading


Venerated Member
Buy a carbon, There’s an HDX version of soothe for live use :)


Established Member
Would something like soothe work when tracking in real time? Seems like it’d be too taxing to be not noticeable.
I think there's a low latency version of Gullfoss, so something should be possible....
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