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UA gets Surround Awards!!!

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
Like, er How?
says that UA users got awards for
Producer Jerry Harrison, assistant engineer Matt Cohen and engineer E.T. (Eric) Thorngren were the big winners. They captured a total of four awards for the Talking Heads' DualDisc Box Set: a 5.1 DVD-A remix of eight Talking Heads albums. They received awards for Best DualDisc Release, Best Menu Design and Best Mix: Non-Orchestral, as well as a newly created honor for Best of Show (center in blue box).

So how do they get to use UA in Multichannel mixes without having Multichannel versions?
I know - use 3 instances at once, losing insert slots.

we need multichannel capability.

Surround is here to stay - how about it???


Active Member
Cubase SX and Nuendo allows you to set up surround inserts and effects for a 5.1 bus (or 4.0 or whatever). Works pretty well.

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
guitarz said:
Cubase SX and Nuendo allows you to set up surround inserts and effects for a 5.1 bus (or 4.0 or whatever). Works pretty well.
Not with UAD plugs it doesn't.
All you can do is set up a stereo group or FX track, and pan it around to the extra channels.
This is not discrete surround, it's known as Fake Surround and is universally loathed in the minds of surround fans.

You may as well take a stereo track, route it to a 5.1 group & pan that out wide.
It's about as good.

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
As I already pointed out, this uses stereo plugs and a panner.
This is NOT true surround, it's faked.
To get true surround plugins, you need full independant control over each channel, not a lashed up stereo plug panned round to the other channels.

Surround Edition I have.
Waves 360 I have.
These are addons, and expensive ones to boot. BUT they do workk in true multichannel.
To use 3 instances of a compressor will not give decent results, and it is also untrue to say a stereo plug uses double the CPU/DSP of a mono one. Therefore it is equally untrue to say a 6 channel version uses 3 times as much.
And even if it did, at least I would have phase coherent control over all 5 channels independantly.

You don't mix in Surround, do you?


Active Member
Hey, no need to get your panties in a bunch. Just pointing out that you can employ UA plugs on 5.1 inserts in Cubase SX. (& I never said anything against surround versions)

All you can do is set up a stereo group or FX track, and pan it around to the extra channels.
To get true surround plugins, you need full independant control over each channel, not a lashed up stereo plug panned round to the other channels.
So use 4-5 individual mono effects. Not pretty, but better than nothing, eh? Did you read the article?

You don't mix in Cubase or Nuendo, do you?

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
I have been using Nuendo since version 1.01

What I keep trying to say here is that this article talks about 2 things:
1 - Using true multichannel plugins
2 - using stereo plugins and a panner.

Please try to understand this.
Using a stereo plug in a stereoo track and panning it to a surround buss is not proper, discrete surround.
UA are getting awards for their users in surround mixing,
we want surround versions.

using 5 mono versions is not satisfactory, as if this is a compressor, there will be phasing issues.
If it is an EQ, where is the individual EQ for each track?
Get the point???
SONAR has Surround Bridge, which will make any plugin work as a true surround plugin, on a bus or as a track insert.

One Surround Bridged Plate140 brings my system nearly to its knees, though.

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
seriousfun said:
SONAR has Surround Bridge, which will make any plugin work as a true surround plugin, on a bus or as a track insert.

One Surround Bridged Plate140 brings my system nearly to its knees, though.
That's what we need for the UAD plugs. Or in Nuendo.
Would be great, and a definite solution.
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