Yeah, how dare UA give their employee's time off to spend with their families, during an important national U.S. holiday. Work 'em seven day's a week I say.
I know many europeans like their 6-8 weeks of paid vacation, during the year, but we are lucky to get even 2 weeks, in the states. We take it when and where we can, including during the Thanksgiving holiday.
If you had bought a new UAD-1 card, instead of going through a 2nd party, the whole process would have been totally automated online and you would have been registered and up and running in a few minutes. By buying second hand, the process will take longer because you have to get a real person involved, in the transaction, which will take additional time.
FWIW, UA is providing the re-sale, of used UAD-1 cards, as a service, for it's user base. While many other software companies don't allow re-sale or at least charge a modest admin fee for the trouble. It is not costing you or the re-seller a dime to transfer, but UA gets stuck with the admin costs and the grief when it takes a few more day's because, of a national holiday. :?
Trying to do this right before a major U.S. holiday (probably the second biggest national holiday next to Christmas here in the states), is not going to help your cause. Would you expect any different trying to do the same thing on Christmas Eve?
If you really had to have it for this weekend, in retropspect, it might have been prudent to have just bought a new one, for a few extra bucks, in the first place.
Anyway, UA's customer service is top notch, I am sure you will get it all sorted, come Monday. It will be well worth the wait, I'm sure. :wink: