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UAD-1 is not responding

I just installed a UAD-1 into my dual 2.7gig G5.. I have Protools Accel 4 running in a digidesign expansion chasis. Everything was working fine but now it is not responding. I cannot activate any plug ins because it comes up as a \"Powered Plug Ins Error\". I am running the newest version of the UAD software.. v4.5.0... could that be the problem? Its a super drag spending all this money to get this card and now it doesn't work... and when it did work I was only able to get 4 plug in's (3 were SE versions) before the CPU load was too much... is this really all the power there is out of one card? I really hope something is wrong on my end... any suggestions? thanks...

Matt Hepworth

Master of the UADiverse
Forum Admin


I've had a similar problem with the cards not being recognized on starting up the meter, what I do is quite the meter and repair the permissions in disk utilities and then open the meter and all is well again, it's a pain but it works for me. ( I've only had this problem with the last 2 versions of UAD plugins )


Active Member
I' m running a pt 7.2 HD2 accel set up with success but it's \"backwards\" from what your doing.
As it's just an HD2 system I run the core and accel cards in my G5 and use an Avid exp chassis to run 2 UAD-1 cards and a TC Poco mkII card.
On occasion PT loses touch with the plug ins but a save and relaunch of the session file always corrects it.
In my case the UAD meter and the Powercore meters always show good communication with the cards in the avid and the host CPU, it's just ProTools that drops the contact for some reason from time to time.
Good luck as it's hard to get any definitive info from digi about any product they don't own.
Still the UAD stuff sounds better than any of the other plugs I've tried so it's worth the hassle IMO.


New Member
I have a similar config and problem.

I recently added a card to my G5 2X2.7 system, 4.5 Gig of Ram, using Cubase SX3 and since then, I have constant error 21, pluggins disconected, card not responding errors.

Swaping the cards never helped, repairing permissions either.

This is very annoying, I have a pile of 1500$ worth pluggins and DSP that seems totally unusable;

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