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UAD-1 No more? Will driver development stop?


Active Member
I find it difficult to read and comprehend \"marketing speak\"
Is UA phasing out the PCI version of this product?
Will the new plugins only be available for the new PCIe card?

Tony Ostinato

Active Member
No, and no.

Same card just different form factor.

same dsp, same divers, relax.


Active Member
They would be dumb to phase out the original. There are too many people out there with older motherboards that have more slot capability than most of the PCIe motherboards being sold currently. Older MBs are a better expansion strategy.

The new PCIe motherboards primarily come with 1-3 slots. This really limits the available slots for UAD expansion. Add in a decent soundcard and now you only have two slots available, if you need a lot of USB or Firewire then there goes another slot.

I've been thinking of buying up some older computer systems, this is much cheaper than a dedicated buss expansion box strategy.

If they are smart, and they are, they will keep all revenue paths open and let time eliminate cash flow on older technologies.


Active Member
Middleman said:
I've been thinking of buying up some older computer systems, this is much cheaper than a dedicated buss expansion box strategy.
In the past I've thought about this too. But can it work, I mean using a pc chassis provided with some pci ports instead of a magma? And how would you connect it to your daw?


Active Member
They cannot phase out PCI as they would have to get inside my computer and steal my cards and I won't let NO-ONE steal my UAD cards...
UAD Bundle Month