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UAD-1 setup problem - can't preview


New Member
Hi guys,
My first post here so please go easy on me if I sound like a total newbie.

I just installed a UAD-1 thta I bought from a pre-registered owner. The steps for changing over to me/my system were made at the uaudio site and everything seems to be fine. I downloaded the latest updates as per instructions and I am having one serious problem...

The plugs all work when I process the sound flies but I can't get any sound at all when I click preview in SX3... this makes proper mixing impossible.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Here's my core setup:
Windows XP (all critical updates)
Cubase SX3 (all updates)
Dell Optiplex GX280 (Pentium 4)
2GB Ram
CPU 3000MHz
Bus Speed 800MHz
M-Audio Delta 1010 soundcard (all updates)
Mackie HUI

Thanks in advance!


New Member
If I click on Nigel for example the plug-in window opensup and there are two options at the bottom of the window - Help - Preview - Process (as per non powered plug-ins)

I then choose a setting and click preview, the various meters within Nigel start moving as if the part is playing but there is no sound at all. But if I click process, the file processes and sounds fine. The problem is I can't tweak this way without having to process then undo everything...

Would I be better off uninstalling then reinstalling everythign from scratch or is this just a setting that i am missing somewhere?


Sadly, left this world before his time.
I assume you're talking about off-line processing with UAD plug-ins. In that case, you should disable the card for the UAD Performance Meter, process your file and then re-enable the card. Strange, but that's how it works.


New Member
Considering all of the basic plug-ins allow you to preview before processing a sound its a bit surprising that you have to jump through a few hoops to do that same thing. Just wondering how everyone else uses their card? Usually I will click on an audio file then open up a plug-in, make a few settings, preview the file then I may decide to change a few settings and continue in this way until I get a sound I like before processing it and dropping it back into the mix. I'm not an experienced engineer, just a hobbyist, what's the best way to use this card from an engineers point of view?


Sadly, left this world before his time.
I don't think there's a best way. Usually, real time is the most convenient (inserts/sends), but offline frees up the DSP.

Now, regarding the hooks, it really depends on the system: on my system, I don't have to jump through these hoops, but UA generally suggests those steps for Cubase/Nuendo. Try and see if it solves it for you.
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