Uncheck the "Sonar" mode, then I can mixdown. But with it unchecked, I get random dropouts, pops and stuttering when playing the project in Sonar.
I can also confirm the
gapping issue in rendered files with the
SONAR mode enabled. I believe UA added the
SONAR Compatibility Mode to specifically deal with the native CPU munching
during playback. Native CPU munching is not an issue when doing an export of a project. So the modus operandi should be:
1) For those experiencing the native CPU munch, during playback, keep the
SONAR Compatibility Mode enabled
2) When rendering, simply disable this option, from the UAD-1 Performance Meter.
It only takes a moment to change the option. If you are mixing and want to do a quick render, just deselect the option, from the UAD-1 PM, after you stop playback and then go tho the SONAR Export dialog. After the render simply re-enable the option and continue mixing. You never have to close SONAR or the project.
I suppose UA should have put in the 4.7.1 readme, that the new
SONAR Compatibility Mode is to be used during playback/mixing to alleviate native CPU munching just to avoid any confusion.
I am just thankful there is now a way to finally get rid of the native CPU munching when playing/mixing a project. This is something I have been asking for since 2003, when I got my first UAD-1 card and SONAR 2.2 was current version. Better late than never I guess.