• Welcome to the General Discussion forum for UAD users!

    Please note that this forum is user-run, although we're thrilled to have so much contribution from Drew, Will, and other UA folks!

    Feel free to discuss both UAD and non-UAD related subjects!

    1) Please do not post technical issues here. Please use our UAD Support Forums instead.

    2) Please do not post complaints here. Use the Unrest Forum instead. They have no place in the the General Discussion forum.

    Threads posted in the wrong forum will be moved, so if you don't see your thread here anymore, please look in the correct forum.

    Lastly, please be respectful.

UAD-1 & VISTA: Does it work or not ?

I know Vista has been part of some recent discussions in this forum, but I actually couldn't find any valuable information about if our beloved UAD cards works under Vista or not.

UAD claims to support the card in some future version, but that doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't work with current drivers. Speaking for myself I can't get it configured under the latest Vista 5728 release. But maybe someone else here succeeded ?!

It's really a shame this thingy doesn't run, cause everything else is working flawless (even with old drivers) and my Cubase is pretty stable under Vista.

Anyone with experience here ?

UAD Bundle Month