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UAD-1 with Logic Platinum 5.5.1


New Member
Hello everyone :D
Merry X-mas :D . (my first post here)
I got a UAD-1 project pak as christmasgift.

Now my issue here is, the software i got with it, is version 3.9.. Version 3.9 will only operate with Logic 6.3 or higher. I have logic audio platinum 5.5.1 under OSX (10.2.3)
Which software version do i need??
I registred my card and tried to enter in software archive, but i couldn't :(
So it would be nice, if anyone could help me with which version i need and tell me where i can download it (since i can't enter the archives)

Thanx in advance :)


Active Member
Filteria said:
Hello everyone :D
Merry X-mas :D . (my first post here)
I got a UAD-1 project pak as christmasgift.

Now my issue here is, the software i got with it, is version 3.9.. Version 3.9 will only operate with Logic 6.3 or higher. I have logic audio platinum 5.5.1 under OSX (10.2.3)
Which software version do i need??
I registred my card and tried to enter in software archive, but i couldn't :(
So it would be nice, if anyone could help me with which version i need and tell me where i can download it (since i can't enter the archives)

Thanx in advance :)
Respectfully, backward compatability only lasts so long. If you are using OSX it really is time for you to upgrade Logic.


New Member
Respectfully, backward compatability only lasts so long. If you are using OSX it really is time for you to upgrade Logic.[/quote]

I bought Logic 7.0 (the upgrade), and i had big problems with me logic-key. My key was a windows-key in the beggining.. But it worked for both platforms, and when i wanted to upgrade nothing worked.. So i had to move back. Anyway,
I read somewhere that some guy under OSX with logic 5.5 had UAD-1 card and it worked perfect. So it should work!.. Can anyone help please with the software version??


Active Member
Filteria said:
Respectfully, backward compatability only lasts so long. If you are using OSX it really is time for you to upgrade Logic.
I bought Logic 7.0 (the upgrade), and i had big problems with me logic-key. My key was a windows-key in the beggining.. But it worked for both platforms, and when i wanted to upgrade nothing worked.. So i had to move back. /quote]

Fiorm the Apple website:

Pricing & Availability
"Registered users of Logic Pro 6 as well as Logic Platinum, Logic Gold 5 or Logic Gold 6 can upgrade to Logic Pro 7 for $299 (US)."

I would stay on Apple's back about resolving this. 7.1 is a BIG improvement over the version you are using and compatibility issues are going to get worse, not better.

You are eligible, you paid for it, you should be able to use it.


New Member
I had to wait 2 weeks and nothing happened. Besides, Logic 5.5 never crashes..
Anyway, this is not the issue here. I asked which software version works with logic 5.5, not if i should upgrade or not. Stick to the subject please :!:
So, for the third time, does anyone know which software version is needed and where i can download it?


Active Member
Ehy dude, calm down! We're just trying to help you. I personally think that is a big mistake to don't upgrade to Lp7.1.. Anyway if you want to keep version 5 and use the uad, i think you should email UA tech support instead to find the answer in the forums.
Also remember that with an outdated version of the ua software, you can't run all newest plugs such the roland stuff, PMB..


New Member
I am very calm :)
But no one would answer my question before...
I was thinking of emailing to the tech-support, but they are not available untill the 1st january, so i thought i could try here. Besides iwanted to try the demos, since i have 50$ to buy plug-ins :wink:

I guess its soon time to upgrade logic. But i've read/heard that it crashes alot.. Is that fixed with 7.1?

Thanx anyway :D


Active Member
Filteria said:
I am very calm :)
But no one would answer my question before...
I was thinking of emailing to the tech-support, but they are not available untill the 1st january, so i thought i could try here. Besides iwanted to try the demos, since i have 50$ to buy plug-ins :wink:

I guess its soon time to upgrade logic. But i've read/heard that it crashes alot.. Is that fixed with 7.1?

Thanx anyway :D
Logic 7.1.1 is the most stable version I have run here in years. I literally do not rmember the last time it crashed.

We are not answering your question because:

1. We don't know.
2. We think your basement is on fire and that you are trying to snuff out a candle in the parlor:)
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