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UAD-1 working very poorly with dual 2.0 G5 and DP 4.12


New Member
It seems I cannot use plug ins on more than one channel at a time or I get incredible static like white noise that is loud and overpowering. The single instance of any plug-in works fine but then when I try to open another on another channel, bang, static city. The performance meter hangs out around 55% when this is happening.

Has anyone had this problem and/or wht do I do now????????


New Member
I have a dual 2ghz G5 and DP with a UAD and Powercore, everything runs great. What audio hardware are you using?

Try to put the UAD card in another PCI slot.
Make sure that you have AMD-8131 mode enabled in the UAD-1 Meter configuration window. This needs to be enabled for all G5's except the new dual 1.8 model. Normally this is set correctly by default on a clean install, but it's possible for it to be set incorrectly (for example if you brought over your system drive from a previous machine, it will use the old settings).


New Member
Everything is set properly. AMD is checked etc. still all I get is one plug in at a time. If I add another I get unbelieveable static. What is going on.

The only thing I can think of is that the MOTU 424 (by the way I am using 24 i/o 2408 mkII and PCI 424 card) is in the third slot and the UAD in the second. Could this be a problem. I have had problems with the second slot before. The MOTU card was intermittent in slot 2 so I switched it to 3. However, I believe it was the MOTU card that had the problem. Maybe it is not. How can I check this all out and find the source of the problem.


in my system, the 424 card is farthest from the agp slot, and the uad is right next to it with a slot in between. that puts them on seperate busses. it is preferable for them to be on seperate busses. it's worth a try.

i also used a little progold to clean the connectors when i seated both cards in the g5. just a one time cleaning of the contact points. not sure if that helped or not, but the cards seem to be operating properly.
In the 2G G5, slots 2 & 3 are on one PCI bus, and slot 4 is on a separate PCI bus. We generally see better performance if the UAD-1(s) are on a separate PCI bus from the audio I/O card. So try putting the 424 in slot 4, and the UAD-1 in slot 2 or 3 (or vice versa).

Also, try taking the 424 completely out of the picture. Remove it physically from the machine. Try a test using built-in audio. Does the problem still occur?

It is probably time to contact tech support. This is certainly not an issue we've seen here (except when AMD-8131 DMA mode is not checked on G5 machines).
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