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UAD-1and pro tools HD


New Member

I did not know, that you could run a UAD-1 with pro tools HD. If anyone here is using this setup, i would like to know if it is stable, if you can use an expension chasis (got a magma 7 slot 33 mhz 32 bit) if you can use multiple cards, etc...
Right now i have a g5 dual 2gig with 2 uad-1 and 2 poco with an hdsp 9652, with logic 7.1.
I would like to have an HD system(core +2 accel cards) with 2 uad-1, and the poco if possible.
Thank you for any info!


Pro Tools HD works with TDM and RTAS plugins. Powercore and UAD1 plugins would work as RTAS plugins (VST plugins with a RTAS Wrapper). But AFAIK ProTools does not have Delay Compensation, so you would have some delay on the tracks which use UAD1/Powercore plugs.
But from what I know Logic 7.1 does have Delay Compensation and it also works with HD systems. So from what I figure out you would be better off running Logic with all the hardware that you mensioned instead of running ProTools.

My $.02

Dave Bourke

Active Member
The high-end Pro Tools HD system does have full delay compensation. It's the lower-end PT stuff that doesn't. Now I wonder why that is?


Kind regards.

Here's a funny story....

I mixed an album for a client in a studio in Spain. The studio had a great vibe, more setup for tracking than mixing due to lack of outboard. The tracking sounded great - a few valve bits and an HD 1 with 16 outs. I fell in love with the place, and have ever since then become a business partner...

I brought over my 2 uad and Powco and worked in logic thru a 002 under os X for the mixing. This worked fine, but the sound quality of the 002 was beneath the quality of the HD1. Obviously the 002 only had 8 outs so we mixed with stems/sub-groups (out 1+2 drums, 3+4 guitars etc) trying to use as much analogue desk warmth as poss ( got a 36 channel audient asp). I set this system up because Digidesign, TC and UA told me that the cards would not work within a HD system due to PCI bandwidth issues. Technical & engineering friends also spoke of HD's bandwidth hog. To make sure things would run fine, I even sourced a second g4 to run the 002 - I didn't want tech issues to stop the vibe...

This session was spread over 2 years of on and off work due to the songwriter (my clients) day job. When the final conclusion of the mixing loomed, my client started to have worries about the sound quality. He has made several albums over the years in his native Belguim, using SSL, Neve etc. As a last resort I put the UAD and PowCo cards into the second G4 running the HD system. Lo and behold - they worked. We now had the sound of the better HD D/A convertors for the mix.

The setup was Logic Pro 6.4.3, UAD *2, Powco *1 under 10.2.8 with a HD1 (no extra cards) and core audio driver 6.4. The plugs were AU versions. You can only get 8 outs from any HD hardware under core audio driver 6.4 - so no discrete 16 channels. Digidesign are wise to people using TDM/HD under logic since Apple's buyout.

I've sitting in Spain now working on another session with the cards rocking in Pro Tools s/ware 6.4 and the HD1. Got 16 outs with all the UAD and TC plugs wrapped to RTAS via FXpansions wrapper s/ware. There are a few bugs - mainly in the TC stuff and I don't seem to get as many plugs as the AU's in logic - maybe 5 biggies (1176LN/Cambridge etc) of each card (oxford's in Powco). Logic ran maybe 12... Get more of those clicks/thumps you sometimes get - but take off the last biggie inserted.

I don't mean to disrespect UAD and TC - but they obviously want you too buy the TDM/HD versions of the plugs.If you're lucky the system will work but it'll take a lot of messing...

I'd be surprised if I can get a chassis working too - maybe the PCI bus is gonna die. The G5 pci-x issue could be more complicated. Oh yeah - most songs over 32 tracks at 44.1k and 24 bit...

Good luck.


New Member
works here with PT6.9 HD4 G5 and a 64bit 7 slot Magma chassis.
I have one UAD1 inside and plan to add 2 more when PT7 comes out next month :D


New Member
Thanks to all for you valuable info!

It is a tough call for me since i have a good setup that i like and i submix on a 16*2 manley mixer. I wonder if i will see a sound quality difference between my native kit and a HD3 with the same plug ins. François, do you have some kind of issues or limitations with your setup and the uad-1? If you have hardware inserts during mixing and you have some uad plugs, is it compensated by the ADC?, is everything in sync?
And between the 1176 rtas and the 1176 TDM, would you hear a difference in term of quality? Thank again! :wink:


Active Member
Hi need to know the same thing here too.

Just purchased the upgrade for my Mix Plus To HD 2 with Masive Pack 4.

I also need to Know If the PT HD will work if I'm using a 33Mhz Magma.

PT HD2 cards in my G5 or G4 and UAD-1's in my Magma :?

Anyone knows if this will work?

Thank you in advance :wink:
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