• Welcome to the General Discussion forum for UAD users!

    Please note that this forum is user-run, although we're thrilled to have so much contribution from Drew, Will, and other UA folks!

    Feel free to discuss both UAD and non-UAD related subjects!

    1) Please do not post technical issues here. Please use our UAD Support Forums instead.

    2) Please do not post complaints here. Use the Unrest Forum instead. They have no place in the the General Discussion forum.

    Threads posted in the wrong forum will be moved, so if you don't see your thread here anymore, please look in the correct forum.

    Lastly, please be respectful.

UAD and 10.3.5


I just switched from pc to mac and I cant get logic to recognize the uad. the metere says it is working fine, but when I start logic it does not intialize the uad. Please help. :oops:


Active Member
logic doesnt start the meter you do put it on your dock and click


Go to your Disk Utility ( Applications>Utilities) and repair permissions on your disk. you should do this when you've install or upgraded on your Mac.

Did you \"register\" your core audio plugs? It's a utility app in your PPI folder. When you start Logic you should see after it checks midi, etc. that it counts core audio plug ins.


Universal Audio
UA Official
Make sure you have downloaded and installed the OS X AudioUnit versions of the UAD-1 plugs. Logic now uses AudioUnits as the plugin format. If you did install the AU versions verify that the plugs are in
/Library/Audio/Plugins/Components/ if they are there, they should be showing up in the AudioUnit menu of inserts.
UAD Bundle Month