Sorry to hi-jack this thread, and as a newbie no less, but I'm curious if anyone has any insight to the problem I've been experiencing with UAD-1 and Powercore Compact. I did many searches and couldn't find anything exactly like it. Thanks for your time and brain-wattage.
First, my system specs: Dual 2g G5, 2.5 G ram, OS 10.3.9, Fireface 800, running Nuendo 2.0.39 (latest build of Nu 2); 2xUAD-1, Powercore Compact
I recently installed a second UAD-1. All was happy, more plugs, more fun. Yay. Then I added a firewire based TC Powercore Compact (mainly to add reverbs). Everything was fine for the first day or so, and I added PoCo effects to existing projects in Nuendo. Then randomly with the UAD-1 DSP meter under 50%, the UAD-1 cards would cut out, audio would drop out, and the meter would read 0% (as if I had overloaded the card with too many effects). A few seconds later all would be well. But the card should not be overloaded of course, as the meter reads (and as the plugin count reveals).
I moved the new UAD-1 card to a new PCI slot, and I moved the PoCO to a different Firewire port on the Mac. Less frequent dropouts but still dropouts. So it feels like the Poco must be somehow responsible. When I disable it, the UAD-1 never cuts out, though the DSP meter never reflects any difference.
I have all current drivers for both UAD and Poco, have repaired permissions. What am I missing? Any thoughts? No other hiccups, so it doesn't feel like a Nuendo issue. (By the way, I own Nuendo 3 but have not updated because I'm in the middle of projects; have thus not gone up to Tiger for similar reasons fearing a showstopper. I would consider both upgrades if that seems the best medicine.) Many thanks again.