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UAD canceling powercore


New Member
i have G5 dual 2ghz, tc powercore pci and UAD, newest software/drivers.

Problem is, poco solo in g5 works great. Uad solo in g5 works great. Together, uad \"cancel\" poco. Computer simply doesnt see poco\\. I tried all slots combinations.



Active Member
This is a known problem for pci slot g5 computers. I have a dual 1.8GHz with PCI-slots and I can say that 1x uad1 + 1x powercore pci/element just don't work. You have to buy another uad1 to get the powercore working and it still won't work on every boot. Powercore pci mk2 works with uad1 better but there is a strange problem with 2x powercore pci mk2 + 1x uad1 when powering up the computer if you had the power cord disconnected from the wall socket before powering up the g5.

The Beatsmith

Active Member
F5D said:
This is a known problem for pci slot g5 computers. I have a dual 1.8GHz with PCI-slots and I can say that 1x uad1 + 1x powercore pci/element just don't work. You have to buy another uad1 to get the powercore working and it still won't work on every boot. Powercore pci mk2 works with uad1 better but there is a strange problem with 2x powercore pci mk2 + 1x uad1 when powering up the computer if you had the power cord disconnected from the wall socket before powering up the g5.
are you joking?


Sadly, left this world before his time.
It's not a joke, it's a fact that some G5's can not see a Powercore PCI Classic/Element if there is 1xUAD-1 installed at the same time, but they can see it if there's 2xUAD-1's installed. Go figure...


Active Member
Akis said:
It's not a joke, it's a fact that some G5's can not see a Powercore PCI Classic/Element if there is 1xUAD-1 installed at the same time, but they can see it if there's 2xUAD-1's installed. Go figure...
Is there a list some where of which G5's this applies to?


Active Member
TheHopiWay said:
Is there a list some where of which G5's this applies to?
I guess it's all PCI slot G5 computers but not the single 1.8 because it uses the same PCI-controller as the PCI-X systems if I remember right. If not then this applies to it too. So at least any dual 1.8 and dual 2.0 with PCI slots should have this problem. 2004 and 2005 models.

PCI-X G5 systems don't have this problem but uad1 suffers from the G5's PCI-X controller and that's another story.


Active Member
dusty said:
About a Poco Mk2 and 2 UAD1 on a G5 DP1.8(june'04)?

2x powercore pci mk2 + 1x uad1 also work very well if you always leave the power cord connected when you turn off the computer. Otherwise you will get a kernel panic after powering up your g5. After a reboot or 2 it works very well and it always works if you don't unplug the power cord from the wall socket. This problem has something to do with the G5's power supply and how the G5 gives power to the pci cards at the startup. Somebody reported same kind of behaviour when using a magma chassis.

I don't know about powercore pci mk2 + pci/element + uad1 combo but I could guess that there will be problems.


New Member
Sorry to hi-jack this thread, and as a newbie no less, but I'm curious if anyone has any insight to the problem I've been experiencing with UAD-1 and Powercore Compact. I did many searches and couldn't find anything exactly like it. Thanks for your time and brain-wattage.

First, my system specs: Dual 2g G5, 2.5 G ram, OS 10.3.9, Fireface 800, running Nuendo 2.0.39 (latest build of Nu 2); 2xUAD-1, Powercore Compact

I recently installed a second UAD-1. All was happy, more plugs, more fun. Yay. Then I added a firewire based TC Powercore Compact (mainly to add reverbs). Everything was fine for the first day or so, and I added PoCo effects to existing projects in Nuendo. Then randomly with the UAD-1 DSP meter under 50%, the UAD-1 cards would cut out, audio would drop out, and the meter would read 0% (as if I had overloaded the card with too many effects). A few seconds later all would be well. But the card should not be overloaded of course, as the meter reads (and as the plugin count reveals).

I moved the new UAD-1 card to a new PCI slot, and I moved the PoCO to a different Firewire port on the Mac. Less frequent dropouts but still dropouts. So it feels like the Poco must be somehow responsible. When I disable it, the UAD-1 never cuts out, though the DSP meter never reflects any difference.

I have all current drivers for both UAD and Poco, have repaired permissions. What am I missing? Any thoughts? No other hiccups, so it doesn't feel like a Nuendo issue. (By the way, I own Nuendo 3 but have not updated because I'm in the middle of projects; have thus not gone up to Tiger for similar reasons fearing a showstopper. I would consider both upgrades if that seems the best medicine.) Many thanks again.


Active Member
Powercore firewire and compact don't work well in the same firewire bus with a firewire audio interface (fireface in your case). All the g5's firewire ports are basically the same so it doesn't help if you switch them. You have to buy a pci firewire controller card and use it for the poco compact or for the fireface. I guess that's the problem. TC doesn't say it on the powercore package but if you ask their support I guess they will give you this answer.


If it helps anyone, I've got a Powercore PCI Mk2 and a UAD1 in a Dual G5 2.0 (original model) and it works fine. I did have to hard jumper the bus speed on the TC though...it didnt work as shipped.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. And I appreciate the G5 firewire point and controller suggestion, F5D. That all makes sense.

I guess what I'm confused about is why the Powercore works fine in this configuration but it is the UAD-1 that cuts out. I will confer with TC support as well. Many thanks again.


Active Member
tuf said:
If it helps anyone, I've got a Powercore PCI Mk2 and a UAD1 in a Dual G5 2.0 (original model) and it works fine. I did have to hard jumper the bus speed on the TC though...it didnt work as shipped.
I have the same cards in a G4 dual 867 right now but I've been planning on grabbing a G5 Dual 2.0 in the near future. Could you elaborate on what you mean by " hard jumper the bus speed"?


Sadly, left this world before his time.
The mkII has a jumper to force it to run @ 33MHz, otherwise it'll switch automatically between 33/66MHz depending on what it detects to be the speed of the bus.


Akis said:
The mkII has a jumper to force it to run @ 33MHz, otherwise it'll switch automatically between 33/66MHz depending on what it detects to be the speed of the bus.
Exactly. With it in auto-detect mode it didnt initialize properly. I dont recall having to set a jumper on my original PCI Powercore...I'm thinking it probably only ran at a single speed.


Active Member
Akis said:
The mkII has a jumper to force it to run @ 33MHz, otherwise it'll switch automatically between 33/66MHz depending on what it detects to be the speed of the bus.
Thanks for the tip. :)
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