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uad cpu: only 80/85%


Venerated Member
I think your just experiencing the problem with the card's load balancing. Using different plugs, sample rates and the order they are activated in multi card setups, will vary your percentage. Here's a trick for Steinberg users. Put the channels with the most demanding plug (33609, PMB, RE201, Plate 140) in front of the rest of your other channels.

I save my best/biggest plugs for Group channels. Moving my Group Folder to the top, allows me to save and load the session, without getting that nasty little pop up.\"one or more plugs have been disabled\" :?

Also try turning off all of the plugs and start turning them on, biggest UAD CPU hogs first... and so on.

This works 90% of the time :)
the problem is that this happens also with neve 88 that use one point percentage... and i don't understand.. i can.t decide the order i add what i need when i need.. i don't know.. i try
I can get 95 with my two cards


Active Member
I get anywhere from 50-90% across three cards, depends mostly on the plugs being used.

Lower instance plugs, like a full 33609 and the Neve EQs I might get 50-55%.

Higher instance plugs like the 88 I can get 85-90% reliably.

UAD tech support has been ZERO help, and when pushed hard on the question, I get no reply at all...

The plugs sound great, but don't for a second believe the published instance counts.
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