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UAD installation issues

Hi everyone. Apologies for the length of this post, but I figure it's better to be thorough. Way back in July of '03, I purchased a UAD-1 system from Sweetwater to run with DP4, before there were even any drivers for OSX. Since I was new to DP and OSX, I spent my time learning to use DP and got busy making music. So busy, in fact, that I forgot all about my UAD-1 sitting unopened in the box. To make a long story short, I found it during spring cleaning last week, and attempted to install it a couple of days ago. My system:

Mac G4800 Quicksilver, 896 M memory, running Jaguar.
DP 4.0 (yeah, I know, but it's been working fine).
MOTU 1224 and a bunch of pres on the front end.

When I went to install the UAD PCI card, it noticed that it wouldn't seat right in the slot - when it seated all the way in, the screw to secure it in the frame didn't line up with the hole, so I did the best I could to compromise, worrying that if I didn't use the screw, I could be asking for major grounding problems. Since I'm something of a technodunny, I figured better safe than sorry...but this may well be the source of my problems.

I then registered and downloaded the AU installer for OSX and ran it. My problem is that the Meter on the dock doesn't recognize the hardware, and no plugs show up in DP. Where should I start? Any and all suggestions welcome!


Active Member
Put it into slot 4 of your QS. I had the same model when I started my UAD trek :)
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