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Uad softsynth?


Why doesnt uad develops a softsynth. Or doesnt uad want to go there ?
I think that you can make awesome synths using uad. A bit simular to the TC Power Core Virus. Or is it a licence issue? Tc must have payed virus alot te clone the synth.

So whats the case ? :wink:

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
It'd be nice to see something come out of the Roland collaboration. Great Prophet 5, Odyssey, & Minimoog emulations are already available on the Scope cards but nobody has done a proper Roland VSTi yet.


Established Member
Indeed. But -please-. The world does -not- need another SH-101 or Juno fer cryin' out loud!

But anything else would be great. I still remember my first 'Planet' what a lush sound (probably just the built-in chorus) ;)

Eric Dahlberg said:
It'd be nice to see something come out of the Roland collaboration. Great Prophet 5, Odyssey, & Minimoog emulations are already available on the Scope cards but nobody has done a proper Roland VSTi yet.


Sadly, left this world before his time.
Eric Dahlberg said:
It'd be nice to see something come out of the Roland collaboration. Great Prophet 5, Odyssey, & Minimoog emulations are already available on the Scope cards but nobody has done a proper Roland VSTi yet.
It'd be nice if Creamware could write some proper drivers, as well. :wink:


Venerated Member
Not with the 2X UAD latency formula. Let UAD stick to giving us vintage FX. They did well with the 1176, LA-2A, Pultec, and EMT Plate.

Leave the Clean FX for DSP cards like Powercore, and the Softsynths for our new multicore 64bit CPU's and Freeze. We don't really need softsynths running on DSP cards, do we?

What we really need UA to focus on is giving us the 1st good Analog Tape Machine sim.

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
electro77 said:
Leave the Clean FX for DSP cards like Powercore, and the Softsynths for our new multicore 64bit CPU's and Freeze. We don't really need softsynths running on DSP cards, do we?
What softsynths are you using? Minimonsta is the only one I've got that it's the same league of the Scope stuff. Furthermore, as much as I love the Scope synths, there's still room for improvement.

My latency is down to 3ms latency. At that setting, double the latency really isn't noticeable.


electro77 said:
What we really need UA to focus on is giving us the 1st good Analog Tape Machine sim.
I have to agree with you on that, electro!
Minimonsta is incredible, BTW! :D


mammath said:
electro77 said:
What we really need UA to focus on is giving us the 1st good Analog Tape Machine sim.
I have to agree with you on that, electro!
Minimonsta is incredible, BTW! :D

amen..anybody check the tape-algo's in the yamaha digital mixers already btw?

neil wilkes

Venerated Member
Dan Duskin said:
I have no interest in soft-synths at all. To me, UAD-1 plugins are "mixing tools"
I second & third this statement.
There are already enough synths out there, and the last thing needed are yet more.
Especially the same old stuff that has been trotted out time & again.

Tape emulation - YES.
Multichannel Support (MC is here to stay and should be catered for) - YES
Synths - for the love of God - NO

Ben Logan

Active Member
I'm with Niel. I've got a ba-zillion soft-synths floating around on the hard-drive. Minimonsta is tops. Let's let UA do what they already do great: model mixing tools.

If they do release one, I'll no-doubt have fun messing around with the demo, but that's it.

On the topic, here's a great Freeware moog emu, it's called MiniMogue VA:


I think it sounds just GREAT! I'm telling you guys, I personally like this one better than the Arturia version. The monsta has it beat, but that's it!

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
What if getting a UAD-1 softsynth is as easy as porting over Roland's current line up? Would you guys still object? A virtual V-Synth would be the knees & I'm absolutely certain Universal Audio would be successful with softsynths. (the Access Virus is by far the most popular plug-in for Powercore).

Few people know this but, as Q mentioned, Roland already coded a Jupiter 8 for the VariOS. A Jupiter 8 softsynth, need I say more?!?


Active Member
I really didn't think the Minimonsta was all that. It still has that \"vsti\" sound. Creamware came the closest but the drivers are such a pain in the arse. And I really don't want to be tied to their sound card forever just to use their synths.

Uad really could do a decent soft synth that had decent analog osc. All vsti's fall on this, they sound thin and glassy and just not analog. If they did an analog filter i,e all the famopus ones I would pay £150 for that for sure.

A system 100m would be nice, or even SH-2 or the old SH-09. Not the TB-303 please.

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Spacey said:
I really didn't think the Minimonsta was all that. It still has that "vsti" sound.
What I think of "that vsti sound," hyper exaggerated stereo imaging, flaccid oscillators, & perfectly linear sine wave resonance instantly come to my mind. Compare the Minimogue VA against Minimonsta, that's what I'm referring to. Minimonsta isn't there but, IMO, it gets closer to being right than any VSTi I've tried.


Active Member
I suppose because I've just added a Korg MS-20 and Yamaha CS-5... and hopefully getting a Roland System 100m this week. I've really noticed how poor vsti's sound.

I'm just getting new flavours for this uber Kontakt 2 cd I'm still (lol) doing. I tried using vsti's to make lead sounds, but they just couldn't cut it. I wasn't being biased either, I really wanted them to work as it would save me a lot of time making pads etc.... but they just allways sounded poor next to the real analog synths.

Sold our virus C after having it a week, nostalgia made us think it would be an awsome synth to add for the sample cd project... but sold that after a couple of weeks as it was just a bit too weak for the sound I needed. Don't get me wrong... they are great synths and fit well in a mix for mid rangy sounds, but again... they stuck out like a digital sore thumb amongst the other presets from the analog gear.

The only people I would trust for making analof filters would be Uad-1. Saying that most vsti's are infinatly better at 88/96khz 44.1khz is the biggest reason for the glassy cold digital sound.

the Minimonsta is a great synth in it's own right...probably top 5 out of the lot, but to me its raw oscillators sound digital still. Imposcar is probably my favourite vsti, but then the real imposcar had digital oscillators.

Ben Logan

Active Member
Eric Dahlberg said:
, flaccid oscillators, .
Ouch! You've just emasculated the Minimogue VA Eric!

*takes free Minimogue VA under protective wing and gently ushers back to garage where it's thoroughly enjoyed*
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