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Active Member
I just got an iLok and downloaded URS plugin demos. They're mostly not quite as good (or at least they're different) as UAD1 plugins but they're native so I can load many of them and the sound quality is still quite good. The compressors need about 4-5% of 1 cpu with my computer, so in theory I could run at least 40 of them. I'm not sure yet whether I will purchase any URS compressors or not. Maybe the 1970...

The eq plugins are very light. I just tested and I could run 225 URS eq-plugins at the same time. I had 15 stereo audio tracks playing at 44.1kHz and every track had 8x URS S-series, 4x URS N-series and 3x URS A-series eq's loaded. It seems that I will purchase at least the s-series eq. It sounds very nice.

I compared the s-series, n-series, a-series and uad neve 1073SE eq's and I can say that the URS N-series (neve) doesn't compare to the uad neve eq at all. The urs neve sounds harsh and you cannot boost the high frequencies as much or at all. I don't like the sound when boosting. The uad1 neve does a great job and so does the urs s-series eq. It sounds different but still very good and you can boost the high frequencies too. It's also very flexible. I guess my 3 favourite eq's are now: sony oxford eq, uad1 neve 1073SE and URS S-Series eq (ssl?).

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Did you try out the BLT? Bobby Nathan once told me that was actually his favorite plug-in. A lot of people like Fulltec, too, not as a replacement for the Pultec but as a nice alternative to it.

Resonant Alien

Active Member
Interestingly, I found the UAD Neve 1073 to sound very similar to the URS A-Series API 550b emulation, and not very similar to the URS N-Series Neve 1084.

I actually prefer the URS Neve on acoustic guitar and jazzy bass, but the UAD Neve is a much better fit on rock drums and electric guitar.

The URS A-Series mids and highs are very similar to the UAD Neve, but the URS A bass is not fat and round like the UAD Neve. OTOH, the URS N-Series bass is more flabby and not as defined as the UAD Neve.

Reality is, I think you should get all three - they are actually a great compliment to each other.

No reason to say URS or UAD is better than the other - they both sound good, but different and can be used on different types of material.



Established Member
I really dig their EQ's.

They often sound a lot smoother to me than the UA stuff and sometimes leave me feeling like I made the wrong investment...



Active Member
Eric Dahlberg said:
Did you try out the BLT? Bobby Nathan once told me that was actually his favorite plug-in. A lot of people like Fulltec, too, not as a replacement for the Pultec but as a nice alternative to it.
Yeah, I tried them both quickly but I will test them more soon. I can say that they were nice plugins. Anyway, I have so many eq plugins already that I will have to think carefully what plugins I still need. Anyway, I guess I will order something soon, from you. :)

Resonant Alien said:
Interestingly, I found the UAD Neve 1073 to sound very similar to the URS A-Series API 550b emulation, and not very similar to the URS N-Series Neve 1084.

I actually prefer the URS Neve on acoustic guitar and jazzy bass, but the UAD Neve is a much better fit on rock drums and electric guitar.
I will test the URS A and N plugins more soon. They're not bad at all (altough I like the uad neve more) and I found out that with some audio material they worked very well.

Anyway, I'm very impressed by the sound and cpu efficiency of these plugins. The algorithms are brilliant. I still have a few days demo time left so I will continue testing now...


Active Member
The URS 1980 compressor is something not available on UAD and is an excellent emultion of the SSL compressor. Even better it has a wider Atk/Rel Range than the original.

Have not tried the UAD NeveCompressor yet, the URS 1970 (neve) is very nice but in a way I feel that the neve compressors are \"just another\" compressor, hardware or emulation. They seem not to have a strong sound of their own, that seems to be the case with most compressors out there, they compress, and that´s it. the few comps with a real distinctive sound from my experience are SSL and 1176 and JoeMeek SC2 and to a lesser extent the LA2A.

The URS API EQs are excellent! I also like their Neve but it just has so few bands....even worse with the UAD neve, not even Freq Selection for the highshelf.

Just got a liquid mix for testing, really curious how it is going to stack up....I have high expectations.

Rock on!


Active Member
I really don't understand the fascination with URS.

To me they sound grainy and cheap (as in no-way worth what they want for them).

Maybe all you guys are hearing them at 96khz? I only tried them at 44.1khz.

Dig into the Voxengo stuff for a far better sounding arsenal of plugs - and no dongle.

Kind regards

Dave Rich


Active Member

I've already tried my very best but...Sorry! I really couldn't accept the sound of URS's stuffs...... :|

Arys Chien

Active Member
BTLG said:
Hm... that would explain why they get used on so many big bduget mixes.......
Well, I've seen more than enough ridiculous decisions made among that many big budget mixes. :wink:


Established Member
Arys - Touche'!

The URS gui's look good, but nowhere near as flashy as the UA ones.

For me, alot of the usage of these plug-ins (in addition to the great sounds) is that the GUI's are like gear, with knobs. It's a better frame of reference for me than points on a graph.

It's certainly not because they sound like the originals (because they really don't, and that's not to say that they don't sound great for what they are!).


Active Member
BTLG said:
Arys - Touche'!

The URS gui's look good, but nowhere near as flashy as the UA ones.

For me, alot of the usage of these plug-ins (in addition to the great sounds) is that the GUI's are like gear, with knobs. It's a better frame of reference for me than points on a graph.

It's certainly not because they sound like the originals (because they really don't, and that's not to say that they don't sound great for what they are!).
So, plugins not fit your needs.... :roll:


Established Member
Well, no, they DO.

They just aren't the same as hardware. I dig the functionality of having virtual knobs as opposed to the waves ren. collection of plot points and sliders.

Resonant Alien

Active Member
Personally, I think trying to compare the UAD Neve 1073 plug to the URS N-Series is a complete waste of time. Why? Because the URS N-Series is based on the Neve 1084 module, and the UAD Neve is (obviously) based on the Neve 1073 module. You are trying to compare plugin emulations of two different hardware units. If you compared a hardware 1084 to a hardware 1073, they a'int gonna sound the same, so why would plugins? You might as well compare Waves SSL buss comp to the UAD Neve 33609 buss comp and say that the Waves doesn't sound like the UAD......well, of course it doesn't....they are modeled on two different pieces of hardware.

Now if UA comes out with a Neve 1084 plugin, THEN we may have something to discuss. Otherwise, it's kind of silly.
BTLG said:
Well, no, they DO.

They just aren't the same as hardware. I dig the functionality of having virtual knobs as opposed to the waves ren. collection of plot points and sliders.
BTLG - Is it your life's mission to constantly point out on this forum that UAD plugs aren't the same as hardware? You seem to do this on every second post.

That's kind of inane isn't it?

It's a lot like going into a hardware forum and pointing out to everyone ( ALL the time ) that their hardware isn't the same as plugins.

I think we all are fully aware that they aren't the same.

quit being jerky, c'mon.


Established Member

I believe it was actually in the context of the discussion.

Read a lil bit. You may learn something.



Established Member
I'm diggin on the URS S-series right now. Kicks the balls outta the Ren EQ's.

I haven't messed with any of their compressors yet, I'm sure they don't compare to the UA ones though (since that seems to be where they shine the most.... none of the eq's are really doing it for me)
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