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Uad working in Wavelab but not in Cubase 3.1.194 (?)

I have just upgraded my CPU to an Athlon X2 4400 and, after a clean XP install I have found, to my surprise, that the cards won't load the plugins in Cubase but they work perfectly in Wavelab.

I have tried to reinstall both things, drivers and Cubase, to no effect.

Plugins are listed by Cubase on startup but on the plugin list they are sorted ouut in brown colour as \"not loadable\"... mmmhh :(

Has anyone found this problem before?

Thanks in advance...
Solved ;)

After installed other apps it became clear that it was Cubase's fault. Deleting the VSTplugins file in the application data folder forced a re-scan of every plugin and cleaned the corrupted sx install.

Thanks for reading...
UAD Bundle Month