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UAD1 requires cpu capacity of computer


New Member
When I use the UAD1 plugins, they require the cards as well the computers cpu capacity. Seems like a bug to me though I use the newest updates. I also tried to rise the buffersize of my audio drivers. What can it be?

My system:
G5 1.6 single (with latest updates)
Logic Pro 6.4.3
UAD1 v370.1
Motu 828 mk2

G Setz


New Member
Still need help!

Hello there!

My uad1 still doesnt work how it should. When I use just one (!!!) La2a,
my computers cpu meter (in Logic) goes straight to the top...:? Please give me some help, I really love these uad1 sounds :p

Greets Setz


Active Member
Me four. =)

I'm experiencing CPU loadings, which I didn't have before. Seems to have occured after the 10.3.7 update or the UAD 3.7.

I have a Dual 867 G4 with 2gb. RAM, 4 UAD-1, MOTU 896HD interface (FW).


Active Member
Any news?


Active Member


New Member
Hi demonsp

Check my other post. Maybe this can help you although I'm a little
confused now: I thought the problem for my system is that there is
only one pci bus on the 1.6 Ghz G5 model and my kind of processor doesn't support the UAD1 propperly what leads to a overload of
core audio and increases the cpu load of the host. Now I'm not really
sure anymore because you've got a dual G4. And with these tipes of processor, the card should run at its maximum.
I really dunnnnnnnnnooooow! :-k

Greets Setze


I've got the same problem and have always had it. My card won't go up past 70% without slaming DP's cpu into the red, so I can't even use the UAD to it's max? That sucks. I've contacted tech support but no fix for me just all kinds of excusses.


Active Member
I see...

Well yes, the issue doesn't seem to be just a G5 problem.
I too run DP (4.12) and the thing is it happened recently, I can't recall DP's meter being affected all the time.

I have 4 UAD-1 by the way, could PCI bus bandwith be an issue??!!
I don't think so.


Inukshuk said:
I've got the same problem and have always had it. My card won't go up past 70% without slaming DP's cpu into the red, so I can't even use the UAD to it's max? That sucks. I've contacted tech support but no fix for me just all kinds of excusses.

Yeah, I´m one pissed off owner as well. I have one card with 3.8 and a G4 1,25 DP FW 800 with 10.3.7 and Logic Pro 7.01 + RME Fireface 800. (By the way don´t use 10.3.7! Although it has been officially given a green for audio use still many users report problems. Go for 10.3.5)

Same problem but worse, every time I am in Loop mode or just play and I wann change some presets in the Pultec or Fairchild - crash!

Sorry guys @ UAD but Your Mac Version of the Plug Ins has never been as stable as the PC one. That´s a fact! Neither on OS 9 nor on Mac OS X (even worse)

It does make mad because Your Plug Ins ARE THE BEST! But what are they good for when I can be SURE to have crash every time I wanna use them. Don´t say I´m unfair. I don´t believe in this evolution thing.

either you make a stable product that works regardless of CPU and bus (PCI or Firewire) or You leave it.

When I take the card outta the box I want it to work. I´ve paid for it and I think i can expect that! I want to make music and not wasting days and weeks of going thru forums truying to find an answer for "my particular" problem.

Once again, You are THE BEST! Believe me, it weren´t the case, by now I´d have thrashed my UAD-1 card ten times!!




Active Member
Wow, you sure sound like a pissed-off dude....=)

Well, all I can say is my system works fine, except for the CPU load that is. (lucky me?) With 4 cards inside it, all plugs feel fine.
I haven't used the plugs in the windoh's platform so I can't comment.
But it sounds like GUI issues, perhaps?

I hope all issues are addressed soon...UA??


demonsp said:
Wow, you sure sound like a pissed-off dude....=)

Well, all I can say is my system works fine, except for the CPU load that is. (lucky me?) With 4 cards inside it, all plugs feel fine.
I haven't used the plugs in the windoh's platform so I can't comment.
But it sounds like GUI issues, perhaps?

I hope all issues are addressed soon...UA??

Thanks mate,

I hate writing all this stuff, believe me, I´d much rather record some music...!

I have a friend that uses the PC Version with Nuendo. Never ever had a problem. Rock solid!! :)


I have similar problem:when I try to change presets in DP 4.5 I get a \"beachball\" and have to force quit. MOTU doesen't know the cure. Everything works fine in Pro Tools LE (but no automatic delay compensation :( )


Active Member
What else is running on your system in the background.

I have DP 4.51 and UAD's and none of the related issues above.

Matter of fact I can load my UAD's pretty good with the FP meter at 85% and life is cool :)


MacOS 10.2.8 with Digi CoreAudio Driver / Pro Tools LE 6.1.1. (Digi 002 Rack hardware) / Waves RenMaxx+Musicians Bundle / Amplitube / Reason 2.0 / Live 4 / UAD-1 Studio Pack + Plate 140.

As I said, everything is fine on Pro Tools LE (except for \"LE\"), but DP gives me trouble. I had to create second user to install it (all menus were completly blank - maybe problem with language preferences). DP 4.12 was having a problem with digi 002 hardware, and I thought that 4.52 would be solution. I wrote UAD support today regarding freezes.

All in all maybe having outboard equipment is not such a bad idea.


I got tip from James Cigler: upgrading to Quicktime 6.5 would solve this problem. And it did! Thanks UAD :D


brunjic said:
MacOS 10.2.8 with Digi CoreAudio Driver / Pro Tools LE 6.1.1. (Digi 002 Rack hardware) / Waves RenMaxx+Musicians Bundle / Amplitube / Reason 2.0 / Live 4 / UAD-1 Studio Pack + Plate 140.

As I said, everything is fine on Pro Tools LE (except for "LE"), but DP gives me trouble. I had to create second user to install it (all menus were completly blank - maybe problem with language preferences). DP 4.12 was having a problem with digi 002 hardware, and I thought that 4.52 would be solution. I wrote UAD support today regarding freezes.

All in all maybe having outboard equipment is not such a bad idea.

Yeah, I agree with that!! But I´m afraid I won´t be able to pay all that stuff in many years time... :cry:

And as I wrote yesterday, it can´t be that you buy a product and it doesn´t work! Anyway I´ll let you´s know when I get it sorted out.


Active Member

Quicktime 6.5? I'm at 6.5.2 or whatever the latest one is. My CPU is still being hit.
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