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Userva: 2900 or 2800?


Established Member
Just added another GB of RAM. So now I have 3GB.

What is the proper setting for Userva= in BOOT.INI for two cards?

I tried it with Userva=2900 and the machine boots properly. What's the difference with 2800?




Active Member
You only need userva with the 3gb switch (see my sign.) If you do have the 3gb switch and your card(s) work without userva you don´t need it. When I use userva 2900 (or no userva) one of my uad cards doesn´t work (no memory recources). It is very mobo dependent and how much reserved memory your other devices need. Without userva and the 3gb switch there is 1 gb for recources. that is enough for some sytems (but not for all). You can´t run out after booting. It is how the available ram is split between system and user memory.


Established Member
Right, but I wonder what it actually does.

I know that, though my machine -boots-, almost nothing works -without- the Userva switch. (RME drivers for example).

So...I set it to Userva=2900 and both cards appear to work.

But OTOH, some others with 2 cards set -theirs- to Userva=2800.

So what's the diff? Should I set it to 2800?


secretworld said:
You only need userva with the 3gb switch (see my sign.) If you do have the 3gb switch and your card(s) work without userva you don´t need it. When I use userva 2900 (or no userva) one of my uad cards doesn´t work (no memory recources). It is very mobo dependent and how much reserved memory your other devices need. Without userva and the 3gb switch there is 1 gb for recources. that is enough for some sytems (but not for all). You can´t run out after booting. It is how the available ram is split between system and user memory.


Established Member
Suntower said:
Just added another GB of RAM. So now I have 3GB.

What is the proper setting for Userva= in BOOT.INI for two cards?

I tried it with Userva=2900 and the machine boots properly. What's the difference with 2800?



Maybe that page may help you...



Established Member
At 3 cards /3gb with an ASUS P5WD2 I'm at 2600. Best it seems it can do!
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