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v4.0 User: Questions (& hoping to get up to speed soon)



I'm using UAD-1 version 4.0 (the version just prior to UAD dumping DirectX support, I believe.)

2 Questions:

1) If I download the latest version (4.6, 4.7?)...will I get Precision Multiband as a free trial?

2) As much as everyone loaths presets (myself included)...WaveLab's multiband (MultiCompressor) has a preset (a real spoiler) entitled 'FM Radio', that is just tremendous. As the name implies...it boosts the signal up to radio ready in a pretty clean fashion, w/ some great bottom end...& allows the user to tweak the preset settings to their own advantage very nicely.

Does Precision Multiband have such presets? Anything close to 'FM Radio' (for those familiar w/ that particular preset)?




mark4man said:
1) If I download the latest version (4.6, 4.7?)...will I get Precision Multiband as a free trial?

Yes, all new plugins (there should be (7) new additional plugins since 4.0) will have a 14-day trial demo period that you can enable individually.

2) As much as everyone loaths presets (myself included)...WaveLab's multiband (MultiCompressor) has a preset (a real spoiler) entitled 'FM Radio', that is just tremendous. As the name implies...it boosts the signal up to radio ready in a pretty clean fashion, w/ some great bottom end...& allows the user to tweak the preset settings to their own advantage very nicely.

Does Precision Multiband have such presets? Anything close to 'FM Radio' (for those familiar w/ that particular preset)?
I am not familiar with Wavelab, or the FM Radio preset, but there are over (30) presets included with the PMB. There are many program presets like, Loudness, Punch & Clarity, Give Some Hype, etc. that might get you what you are looking for. FWIW, there is a serious PDC issue when using the PMB, in a project (even just the master bus) with MIDI tracks in SONAR:

Delay compensation in Sonar may cause MIDI tracks to go out of sync when the Precision Multiband is used.

Workaround: Bounce Instruments using MIDI to audio track(s) before using Precision Multiband.

AFAIK, this does not seem to happen in other DAW host apps.



Thanks, man.

Don't know...but this thing (PMB) can't seem to get close to PG's multiband. Gonna try to duplicate curves today...but WaveLab's MultiCompressor is both effective AND smooth. [DGMW...I do like the PMB...it's more in tune for my kind of mastering (subtle gain)...but the MC is about the best I've ever heard at getting it loud w/o distortion.]

Thanks again,

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