Volume is very low during monitoring

Is that Sam?

New Member
I just bought the UAD Volt 2 and have been messing around with it with Cakewalk, Garageband on ipad, and will soon check out Reaper. But I have run into an issue with the volume. I have the monitor dial at the 12 oclock position and it seems to be clipping. The gain is down but the Inst button is activated and I see it clipping, I see the monitor light turning yellow to red sometimes. Yet, the volume is very low. I was using Cakewalk (probably not the best but for free, it will get the ideas down). Volume seems fine when using the Volt with my iPad 9th Gen. I've searched the forums here and most articles or posts are a little vague. What am I doing wrong?


Hall of Fame Member
Is this happening while you are recording an instrument? If so, what instrument? It sounds like either the instrument volume or input gain might be set a little high. Inst button is for low-level instruments like guitars.

Or does this happen also/only when you are playing back audio? That would be too much output gain/volume from your audio app.

Have you read the free manual?


Is that Sam?

New Member
Ahh , a response, beings UAD only responded on another post with a "i' don't know, that's a software issue". Its like, "well that's a wallop of help, gee". I need to look at the manual.

Yes while I am recording, or at least playing an instrument, actually, the Akai midi keyboard hooked up to a powered USB hub, using the iOS iPad, using Garageband. There is no software for the iPad either. The volume is very low, the monitor is up at the 3 oclock position on the Volt, on my Mackie's its at 12 oclock.

There is no way to up the volume on my iPad as it disables the volume control. And yes, I even played through with my electric guitar using Garageband's amp sims.

I wonder if a separate small mixer would do the trick


Official UA Representative
Ahh , a response, beings UAD only responded on another post with a "i' don't know, that's a software issue". Its like, "well that's a wallop of help, gee". I need to look at the manual.

Yes while I am recording, or at least playing an instrument, actually, the Akai midi keyboard hooked up to a powered USB hub, using the iOS iPad, using Garageband. There is no software for the iPad either. The volume is very low, the monitor is up at the 3 oclock position on the Volt, on my Mackie's its at 12 oclock.

There is no way to up the volume on my iPad as it disables the volume control. And yes, I even played through with my electric guitar using Garageband's amp sims.

I wonder if a separate small mixer would do the trick
Be sure to get a ticket open with Support, they'll have things for you to try. Go to help.uaudio.com, click on the Support bot icon in the lower right corner and type “create ticket”

Is that Sam?

New Member
Be sure to get a ticket open with Support, they'll have things for you to try. Go to help.uaudio.com, click on the Support bot icon in the lower right corner and type “create ticket”
Thank you. I am going to tinker once again, with my Volt and follow the manual instructions first to see, maybe I missed something. I'll report back later if its the same, and I will submit a ticket.
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