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Well past 20,000 UAD-1's shipped!


I was just looking over past UA press releases and found one from (10) months ago indicating that over 20,000 UAD-1 cards had been shipped:


I am sure it is more like 25,000-30,000 by now. Plus all the added plugin sales. Just in the last (2) years alone, nearly 13,000 plugin orders placed. Many of those were probably multiple plugins on one order. When the online plugin shop first opened (2) years ago, I was one of the first to place an order (for the Fairchild 670), my order number was #68. I ordered the Multi-Band a couple of weeks ago and my order was #12,792. :eek:

I am glad to see UA doing so well with the UAD-1. Profitablity means on going R&D and helps insure current users against obsolesence. I think the Roland & Neve partnerships are indicative of the UAD-1's immense success and future opportunities.

I remember another DSP card, the Korg Oasys PCI, which went down in flames after lackluster sales and was abrubtly discontinued, after only 2.5 years. I still have my Korg Oasys, in an old PII 333 PC. The last driver update was for Win98. :(

Paul Woodlock

Established Member
Just hanging around on the worldwide audio Internet community over the last 5 years has made it very evident the UAD-1 has been a winner. :)

I'm not suprised at those figures.

My host ( Cubase SX3 ) and my UAD-1 cards/plugs are the two most important and treasured components of my DAW system.



Doc Jones

when I first started looking at higher end effects I had no clue what was good and what wasn't. Luckily I listened to a couple of guys on the cubase forum to check out the UAD card. Uad's reputation was great back then and it only seems to have gotten better over the years. 3 cards later, I couldn't be happier with my purchase (with a 4th card soon to be on it's way) Here's to 20,000 more cards.


billybk1 said:
... I ordered the Multi-Band a couple of weeks ago and my order was #12,792. :eek:
Mine was #11,8xx before Christmas. I hope your assumptions turn out to be true or be even better in the near future. At least now I have a nicely working setup where my 4 UAD-1 cards play a major role besides Sonar and NI Komplete. I would like to keep it that way – at least for next few years. I hope UA protects the investments of all their loyal customers. :)
i think that the only good think is to arrive with safe drivers on w vista
and buy a good magma pci express and my uad will live happy for another 10 years .....


giovanniroma said:
i think that the only good think is to arrive with safe drivers on w vista
and buy a good magma pci express and my uad will live happy for another 10 years .....

About 5 months ago (after Cakewalk's announcement of SONAR 5 x64), I emailed UA tech support on the issue of 64bit driver support and UAD-1 obsolesence. I got this prompt reply from Brett @ UA:


Our engineers are looking into the new XP x64 OS. By the time there is a full user version on the market we should be close to releasing the necessary drivers. Unfortunately, there is no timetable that I can give you for the release.



Then, right after I replied back thanking him for being so prompt and candid with his reply, I got this:


No problem. I'm sure you know how difficult it is playing catch up in the rapidly changing world of technology. But rest assured, our top-most priority is keeping our customers using our gear. Thanks for your patience.


It is in UA's best interest to keep us compatible with the latest technology. How else will they be able to continue to sell us more of their latest plugins and keep the existing plugins relevant, to new users, in the years ahead. I am sure they will have beta tested 64 bit drivers ready before Vista 64 has gone gold, later this year. I may be wrong, but I don't think UA will be releasing XP64 drivers, as Vista will be MS's mainstream consumer 64bit OS, going forward and the underlying audio architecture is changing, i.e., WDM will be a thing of the past. Much like XP superceded W2K.

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
billybk1 said:
It is in UA's best interest to keep us compatible with the latest technology.
Shouldn't the same thing be said of Cakewalk?
UAD Bundle Month