At the moment i do mostly 1track at a time. vocalling or occasionaly guitar. I have a daw with a AUDIOPHILE 2496 soundcard. My mic goes into a spirit lx7 mixer and the outputs of that go to the soundcard. The outs of soundcard go back to the mixer then to the amp.
I have about £150 saved up and want to add a preamp to my setup...its not top notch stuff i need, just a step up from the spirits preamps. Any recomendations? would i run things? i havent got a patchbay or anything like that...the audiophile hasnt got anymore inputs for the preamp so i would have to run it into a line in of my mixer? but that will ruin the sound or am i wrong?
Oh and.....I have a delta 1010 PCI CARD but the breakout box is LONG gone, so if any1 has 1 or is selling one im interested.
I have about £150 saved up and want to add a preamp to my setup...its not top notch stuff i need, just a step up from the spirits preamps. Any recomendations? would i run things? i havent got a patchbay or anything like that...the audiophile hasnt got anymore inputs for the preamp so i would have to run it into a line in of my mixer? but that will ruin the sound or am i wrong?
Oh and.....I have a delta 1010 PCI CARD but the breakout box is LONG gone, so if any1 has 1 or is selling one im interested.