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Which plugins are the best?


Hello, I have 750 $ + 250 $ promo + 100 $ promo !! because I recently buy a second Uad-1e!!
What plugins are the best?
I´ll buy the mastering pack (500) plate reverb (149) and fairchild (149).. i need good compresors and a good reverb, my kind of music is electronica (techno, trance, hardhouse..) which plugins are the best ?
Sorry for my english (spanish bandolero) jeje
Thanks! :wink:


Hi Pikuki,
if you don't already have them, buy 1176LN and LA2A. They just rock (and can take tech/trance/house to being more alive :twisted: )
Plate140 is anyway one of the greatest non-IR-verbs I've ever had, Dreamverb is a pretty flexible thing, though some say it's not really up to date or today's \"industry standart\". I myself like it and use it a lot, often as my second verb beside the Plate.
Demo it - and maybe be a little patient to what'll be next - the Neve stuff is surely attractive and there's another fine comp to come with the 33609...


Established Member
marQs said:
...and maybe be a little patient to what'll be next - the Neve stuff is surely attractive and there's another fine comp to come with the 33609...
Yeah! Keep money in voucher for the upcoming beast just in case!



First! Thanks! i was in holidays! finally i bought the fairchild (rules!!) mastering pack and plate 140 (nice reverb!!) still having 300$ in my voucher, so i want to spend more!!
i don´t know wich plugin buy!
See uuu


Active Member
I luv my dreamverb! Demo it (or get a demo reset UA is very helpfull)


Demo reset? i dont have demos.. my first card was second hand, and i dont have any demos.. can i claim it by mail???
its possible?


They're quite helpful. I asked for a second demo period, after I stupidly activated all plugins and went abroad the first time hehe...

Anyway, it was worth it for both sides.


p.s.: login and write to support for another demo period


Active Member
Pikuki said:
Demo reset? i dont have demos.. my first card was second hand, and i dont have any demos.. can i claim it by mail???
its possible?
yup usually you have it within a day! They are not problematic about it at all.


Established Member
Don't forget the Pultec-Pro. Love that thing. Though I hear the new Neve EQ is giving it a run for it's money, haven't treied it myself though yet.


Established Member
I'm partial to the 1176 plugs, the neve and pulteq EQ's, and the plate 140. I bought the fairchild and haven't really gotten much mileage out of it.

The dreamverb doesn't really do it for me, and I can't really vouch for the 33609 either. LA2A is alright, only on vocals really, and I don't find it doing anything that the RCOMP or my hardware FMR RNC doesn't do better.


Established Member
BTLG said:
...or my hardware FMR RNC doesn't do better.
One of the best «bang for the buck» under my hands too!



Established Member
I know ! I got mine for $100 used. It's surprising how smooth it can be on a vocal and how aggressive it can be as a drum compressor.
New post started [ edited out ]


Established Member
BTLG said:
I know ! I got mine for $100 used. It's surprising how smooth it can be on a vocal and how aggressive it can be as a drum compressor.
If you want to give it a liftface, you can get a special rack from Mercenary Audio!




Ok, i send a mail to UAD to reset my demos plugins (i buyed a second hand card i i dont have demos)
they asked this:
Dear Customer,

Your new software has been automatically assigned to your my.uaudio.com account.

Please log in to your account in order to authorize this software to run on your hardware.

Demo Reset All Plug-Ins for UAD-1

For your records, the License Code for this software is: ****-****-****-**** (privacy jeje)


I download the .reg file y y \"execute\" it
but i still haven´t demos!!!
wtf is the code? i dont know what i must do with it!
I mean that i speak english like a indian..
hello name Andrés i speak!
-Universal Audio :p


Established Member
Pikuki said:
I download the .reg file y y "execute" it
but i still haven´t demos!!!
wtf is the code? i dont know what i must do with it!
I mean that i speak english like a indian..
hello name Andrés i speak!
-Universal Audio :p
I got a .reg file few days ago to reset the Multiband, so what I did is:
Keep close everything, right-click on the file and select «merge» from the menu and confirm any M$ dialog. Once done, I opened the uad Performance monitor and 2 dialogs appear saying that both of my cards was updated.
That's it.

UAD Bundle Month