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Who wants a bigger and bright gui for Helios?

Who wants a bigger and brighter gui for Helios?

  • Total voters

Eddie Macarthur

Active Member
I find the gui for this plugin too small and dark. I know UA are trying to recreate the original design, but their 3d graphics bod could have put a little more virtual light into his virtual studio...
a plugin that is hard to use in gui terms is used less... no matter how good it sounds.

Paul Woodlock

Established Member
Akis said:
I like it being small, keeps things tidy on the screen.
I prefer a more comfortable workflow so I would vote for bigger and a bit brighter. :)

The Helios isn't terrible in this department though. It's one the limit of acceptability for me. Any darker and I would have already complained :)


Active Member
i voted no, i'm with Akis on this, no need for bigger gui, +bigger gui means more memory for the card, and i like the workfolw the way it is.

btw, its not so hard to play with it :wink:

Mark Edmonds

Active Member
manolito said:
bigger gui means more memory for the card
The bitmap will be in the PC memory, not the card I expect.

I voted No too - any bigger would be a waste of space and mean more overlap with other windows.



Active Member


Sadly, left this world before his time.
Re: example pic; obviously, just a quick edit...

Eddie Macarthur said:
The current one looks fine on my monitors, while your suggestion looks too bright, so maybe you should try turning the brightness a bit up on your monitors? Just a suggestion.

Eddie Macarthur

Active Member
hi. both my tft screens are at optimum settings for cubase and all my other plugins. it's just the helios which is small and dark. even izotope ozone, which has a dark gui, looks bright in comparision.
in fact, ua have spent time modelling the appearance of scuffmarks around the knobs; a nice touch (if you're a graphic designer/illustrator, which i used to be) except that it makes the plugin look even messier.
so no, i'm not changing my settings just to run one plugin...
p.s. i know there are lots of people who don't care about the visuals. but a lot of us do (witness the ongoing saga over voxengo gui design).
but i accept that some people won't agree with me; that's why the poll.
if ua read this, maybe they will tweak a little for next release.


Active Member
Mason Jar said:
How many of the no's are under forty I wonder?:)
heh-heh...not me, I can tell ya...

:D :D :D


The Gui looks fine on my 19\" TFT, no problems with that.
Maybe one could call for an anlternative Gui,. just the way voxengo or audiorealism does it (3rd party open source graphics).

But still my vote is no, because IMO UAD should be 110% focussed on a new UAD 2 hardware. We need more power, not more Gui.


New Member
Eddie Macarthur said:
I find the gui for this plugin too small and dark. I know UA are trying to recreate the original design, but their 3d graphics bod could have put a little more virtual light into his virtual studio...
a plugin that is hard to use in gui terms is used less... no matter how good it sounds.


I think it is also a 'familiarity' issue. When you are trying to learn anything, having it bigger and brighter would be better - for all of us. There are only a couple of controls on the Helios and since all the bands are stepped, it is relatively easy to memorize and thus it gets easier the more one uses it (or the Neves or whatever) - of course the dB control for the low shelf STILL has me laughing; who thought THAT was a logical set up when making the board. I think I will ask 'the doctors' about that...
I am right at 40 years of age and my eyes certainly are not what they were (with or without glasses...) and I would put the Helios at the edge - not in terms of brightness per se, but legibility. I totally understand if someone is just digging in; they would want it bigger and brighter. I already have the frequencies in my head as well as the gain controls so I know that one above 0 in the low shelf is 60Hz, the highest setting there is 300Hz etc. IF there was a key command (cmd/alt - plus or minus) to zoom the controls, that would be great. I don't know if that is even possible however.
It all comes down to HOW one uses the plug. In Logic you could obviously have screen sets that include the plug or not include the plug on ones screen. I have a 'final mix with plugs' screen set and a 'final mix without plugs' screen set that gives me just the busses/auxes, the stereo buss and the plug-ins I have on the stereo buss. Very clean, easy to engage, and easy to get rid of....

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