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Who's running a UAD-1 PCI-e Successfully?


Established Member
Hey, some of us are having problems getting these new cards installed.

Those of you not having issues please list your setup and how many UAD-1's etc and see if we can spot a trend.

So far, it looks like the UAD-1 PCI-E doesn't like the Intel 925XE chipset.

Please be sure to post what chipset your MB has if you know it.


New Member
NuSkoolTone said:
Those of you not having issues please list your setup and how many UAD-1's etc and see if we can spot a trend.
Works well here with Intel S5000 (Intel S5000PSL mainboard) and Intel 7520 (Tyan S5360 mainboard) chipset's.
One UAD-1 PCIe on the mainboard, one UAD-1 PCI in a magma.
Just bought a UAD-1e.

Will use with AMD x2 4400 on an MSI K8N Plat, 2G ram.

Will update when I receive and install the card.


Established Member
I am working now after Mobo change.

See Sig.
UAD-1e is working fine so far on Athlon x2 4400 box w/ n MSI K8N Platinum mobo. No problems encountered and I'm running several plugs.
UAD Bundle Month