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Why do UAD plugs sometimes make my CPU meter shoot up??

Stuart Stuart

Active Member
I'm running SX3, latest UAD software, windows XP SP2 and a fairly new Core2Duo QX6700 (quadcore).

Anyway, for some reason, sometimes I'll activate a UAD plug (Cambridge seems to be the most common one) and my CPU meter will double or triple. Turning off the offending plug and turning it back on brings the CPU back to normal. Alternately, I can disable all UAD plugs using the UAD meter and turn them back on.

This is a pretty easy workaround, but a pain the ass. Why does it happen? Does it happen to anyone else?


Venerated Member
I have the exact same problem. It is really project based... on some projects it happens and on some it doesn't. Haven't found any specific plugin that causes this though. On my previous machine, an AMD 3200+ there were no problems like this. It all started the day I got my Intel DualCore.
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