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Why no AMD problem with ProTools?

How come ProTools doesn't suffer from this AMD chip problem? Surely they shift at least as much audio over the PCI bus as the UAD? I don't doubt that there's a problem, I'd just be interested to know why it only affects certain manufacturers products.


Active Member
Paul Lawley said:
How come ProTools doesn't suffer from this AMD chip problem? Surely they shift at least as much audio over the PCI bus as the UAD? I don't doubt that there's a problem, I'd just be interested to know why it only affects certain manufacturers products.
Actually I don't think that is true. I could be wrong but I believe that the entire mix environment is done on the DSP Farms. On a Native system the CPU bares the brunt of the Mixer in your DAW app and is done internally, I think that in Pro Tools the number of Audio Tracks isn't dependent upon the Host CPU, but is dependent upon the amount of DSP you have. This goes for the Plugs ins as well of course. I believe Pro Tools is more akin to a Digital Mixer. All of the processing is done outside of the Host CPU. I believe this is why many PT users could continue to run old computers for much longer, since the GUI was about the only thing being run on the host CPU. The rest of the Mix environment was on the DSP. So Audio isn't being sent back and forth over the PCI Bus in the same way. Again I could be wrong but I think that may be the reason.

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