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Wich plug ins you'd like to see next on UAD1?


Active Member
I wish that UAD-1 one day decide to make a multiband compressor in line with the precision mastering series, the LA-3A compressor and the EMT 250(Like the dvr2 for powercore).
I also hope that in a near future they will support 3rd party plug ins on UAd1.

Thanks UA.


Active Member
I'm not so interested in 3rd party stuff, however I would love a Multiband Compressor. But make it something special that I can't get from any other maker. I don't care if it uses a whole half of the DSP, just make it really good and with lots of flexibility.

I definitley would like some EQ emulations and the Tape emulation. In fact how about a bunch of different Channelstrip emulations of a signal going thru an Neve or SSL etc. I'm not sure how popular that stuff would be, but it would be nice to have that in the tool box.

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