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will it ever work ?


New Member
hi there,
i´m close to going back to my old 16track 2\".
i´m working with G5 dual1.8(not the liquidcooled)on the latest logic.
card is MOTU-424+uad with3.5.3. interfaces are1296+HD192.
problem is digital clicks on playback on OUT1+2 AND on the unused next output( 3).processorload is laughable.doesn´t matter if it´s one track,two,or36.changed every possible setting in the hardware and drivers window,every pci-slot combination,including not using the UAD.changed the MOTU-card.nothing works.in seldom cases the clicks even get recorded.i´m beginning to loose customers!
thank you,zobel. :roll:


New Member
You are not alone!

I have had similar issues on a dual 1.5 with 2408 and UAD which has been driving me mad

Latest thing that solved it was putting the MOTU card in the top PCI slot (furthest from the video card) and then the UAD card in the slot next to the video card (bottom slot when machine is upright)

In LOGIC audio hardware pref I then have an I/O buffer size of 2048 and process buffer range set to medium

Make sure the MOTU PCI console is set to internal

Apart from that it is good to run your Disk Utility to verify and repair permissions (always good to do after installing anything new apprently)

I was told it might help to trash prefs apparently but I would try these things first before doing that (and always save a copy of them first if you do)

The UAD doesn't deliver as many plugins on the G5 as it does with a G4 at the moment, but they say they are working on it and I think you will get better results if you download 3.6 for your UAD which is the latest one. I think this update is supposed to address some of these issues.

One last thing, is the MOTU lead plugged in to the PCI interface in the socket next to the ADAT D-socket?


New Member
...one more thing that may help. I got an email from a friend getting real issues with his set up and he found it got sorted by switching his MOTU clock source from \"PCI-424 Internal\" to \"1296 Internal\" and this cleared it, but he had no idea why and still doesn't.!


New Member
hey flyingstudio,
thanks for now,i´ll get back to you,when i´ve checked your tips.later,zobel.


New Member
here two more ideas

try a different audiowire/firewire cable from the 424 to your interfaces....that solved my problems!

and also i have found that certain balanced jack cables don't fit well in the motus and cause crackling...i've switched to neutric and everything is cool.

best, monobeat




have a friend that got some cheap fw-cables that corrupted his drives..

Seems logic to me.... a pretty vital part. Think I will look for the more expensive branded when getting some new.... gold?, could be they also sound better... :) (another discussion.... and I believe and love when people can hear more than technology.... ;))



Universal Audio
UA Official
If you are recieving constant clicking and poping even when not using the UAD-1 it sounds like you have a clock issue between the interfaces. Make sure you have your clock setup properly, unmatched clock signals will create clicks and pops similar to the ones you would get if you were overloading the UAD-1 card. One way to take your soundcards out of the equation is run Logic using Built-In Audio. If you don't have the problem, then you know now that it has something to do with the soundcard config. Also follow the other users recommendations of good mic cables and good firewire cables (not all FW cables are equal, cheap ones have poor sheilding which can also cause RF interference and many other nasty things like shorts).


New Member
I had the same problems that you described and tried everything from removing all PCI-cards, including the UAD1, to putting the cards in different slots.
I contacted MOTU Tech Support and they came up with some suggestions. What solved my problems were two things. First I upgraded the RAM to 2 GB, and then I connected the 2408mk3 to the second output on the PCI424-card (if you count from the ADAT-sync port). The first port always caused clicks.

Hope this helps. :) /Johan


New Member
alright,that did it!!!!
i´ve changed to the second and third out of the PCI-card.the clock source didn´t make any difference,neither did the buffer size.
but if that´s now working correct,it means that only 24 i/o´s can be used.
i wonder what motu is going to say to that.
thanks for all the help,everybody.


New Member
now it´s back again!!!
can you believe it??
it was gone for like 2 sessions and now it´s back.all the clicks you´ll never need!now i´ve even changed my power lines,inserted a furman-filter,but nothing helps.i´ll try to give back the card and the interface.
any ideas??zobel
may your pci-bus be cleaner.


Universal Audio
UA Official
One test that I don't think I mentioned is to run your DAW app using Built-In Audio as your audio interface. Obviously there are limitations here as far as sample rates and I/O but it takes your sound card completely out of the equation. If the clicks and pops go away if you run built-in audio instead of your sound card, and that is the only thing you changed, then you have narrowed the issue down to the soundcard.
How much RAM do you have in that thing? I run a dual 2 G5 and anything below 4G has been problematic for me. 6G seems to be the magic number for me. Totally stable system now.
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