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Will NIGEL 2.0 ever appear?


...even WAVES have joined the fray..and yet NIGEL is still as unchanged as it was from the outset?

IKM Amplitude at 2.0 ; NI Guitar Rig at 2.0 - c'mon UA!':wink:'


Active Member
Why bother? All amp sim plugins suck compared to the real deal.

I'd rather UAD work on releasing the Space Echo, Neve, etc......


Active Member
What they (UA) have done is to release a completely new (better?) product of the same genre as a previous product...for example Dreamverb to *supplement* Realverb...

Maybe they will add an \"Ian\" to *supplement* Nigel??? Hehe... ;)


Active Member
baronluigi said:
Why bother? All amp sim plugins suck compared to the real deal.

I'd rather UAD work on releasing the Space Echo, Neve, etc......
I respectfully disagree with you, however I much prefer using real amps. The difference I hear comes down to mic placement and the sound a good dynamic mic or ribbon mic gives you. You put a Royer 121 infront of a Fender twin through a Neve Porico or Great River and you just can't get a better sound.

With that being said the Pod XT and Bass Pod XT can give you some very good sounds. They just lack the character that the good mic and pre give you. The punch is missing, it's a little too smooth.

Having an improved Nigel would be a welcome site for many.

Ben Logan

Active Member
The silliest amp I own (Roland MicroCube) mic'd up haphazardly with an SM57 sounds much better to my ears than Nigel, or any amp sim I've fooled around with - even the NI Guitar Rig.

That said, I'm a big fan of the separate Nigel components:


Totally useable stuff.

Here's what I'd love to see updated: the GUI's for each of the above. The interfaces for Nigel are just downright buttrocking (in a bad way)! Let's have some at least semi-respectable knobs to twist.


i would love an updated amp sim. i also always differ to real amps, but i use nigel for scratch tracks all the time.

i would love to see just one amp modeled at a time. not the amp swiss army knife type thingy.
baronluigi said:
Why bother? All amp sim plugins suck compared to the real deal.

I'd rather UAD work on releasing the Space Echo, Neve, etc......

GuitarRig2 in many cases sounds better than recording a good amp, in my experience. Their models are mindblowing especially the fender reverb sim, and miles ahead of anyone else.. it makes pods and ampfarm and amplitube seem like toys.

And that's coming from someone who recorded amps a few days a week for years as a studio engineer..

I don't think UAD can compete, they apparently don't have the muscle in that dept, as Nigel is very lacking..


basehead617 said:
baronluigi said:
Why bother? All amp sim plugins suck compared to the real deal.

I'd rather UAD work on releasing the Space Echo, Neve, etc......

GuitarRig2 in many cases sounds better than recording a good amp, in my experience. Their models are mindblowing especially the fender reverb sim, and miles ahead of anyone else.. it makes pods and ampfarm and amplitube seem like toys.
I haven't tried GR 2 yet, but GR 1 sounded almost as bad as Nigel. You've tried newer PODs (the XTs) right? I love mine!


':roll:'C'mon TOM the gauntlet has been thrown...REAKTOR's team are better at modelling than UA, REAKTOR's team are better at modelling than UA,..nah,nah,neh':lol:'


On a slightly more 'serious' note - Jimmy Hendrix would still sound like Jimi - \"Hey Joe\" would still be \"Hey Joe\"... no matter what he played through or on.

I like different tools for different jobs - but I try not be too hung up on the gadget.. Nigel is excellent for what it is - but a few more speaker cabinets, and mics and more especially spacial [room mic placement] settings would be nice...



Established Member
Doublehelix said:
Maybe they will add an "Ian" to *supplement* Nigel??? Hehe... ;)
Damn. I thought it was going to be called David St. Hubbins. :mrgreen:

But seriously ladies and germs, I dunno what all the bitching is about Nigel. It actually sounds great for some things---and it's little doodads (ModWhatever and the Trem thing) are just plain fantastic.

Y'all moan about wanting 15 different compressors. Well, so here's another tone to use as needed.

Just 'cause it doesn't -duplicate- your 1960 stack? BFD. There are other sounds besides the same 2-3 guitars through the same 2-3 amps with the same 2-3 mics we've all been using since 1970.


PS: But if they -do- update it, I hope they come up with tone knobs that can be understood without a degree in Library Science. ('Bent'? WTF is 'bent'?)
basehead617 said:
baronluigi said:
Why bother? All amp sim plugins suck compared to the real deal.

I'd rather UAD work on releasing the Space Echo, Neve, etc......

GuitarRig2 in many cases sounds better than recording a good amp, in my experience. Their models are mindblowing especially the fender reverb sim, and miles ahead of anyone else.. it makes pods and ampfarm and amplitube seem like toys.

And that's coming from someone who recorded amps a few days a week for years as a studio engineer..

I don't think UAD can compete, they apparently don't have the muscle in that dept, as Nigel is very lacking..
Definetely aggree with you.
Guitar Rig2 has some excellent sounds, much better than GR1. I also have a Pod XT but I prefer GR2 for a bunch of things.

My only problem is that the latency I get prevents me from using it live.
How do you use it?


Active Member
Suntower said:
Doublehelix said:
Maybe they will add an "Ian" to *supplement* Nigel??? Hehe... ;)
Damn. I thought it was going to be called David St. Hubbins.
And here I was thinking his name was Liam. But I say we call it Derek.

But enough of my yackin'. Let's boogie!


...but what about latency? what about tonelab?

Plugin quality is one thing. Maybe a matter of taste... But for me a super duper nigel wouldn't make a sense because I don't want to record my tracks with lets say 5ms latency. Or are I the only one who has problems with that?
BTW I tested the Pod (not Version 2 or XT) and NI Guitar Rig1 and they all sounded like comic drawings from a real amp. I mean I knew what they want it to sound like, but they didn't reach it.

I'm wondering about buying a vox tonelab. There's a real tube in it. I wouldn't have \"insert-plugin-latency-problems\" while playing.
Does anyone have experience with that device?

It would be nice not having to have a miked amp at night in the studio because usually at night my wife sleeps in the room above my studio ;)

Thanks a lot


thank you.
I already have a Marshall SE-100 wich is very good in its job, but I still need a cabinet as resistor. And the sound in the end has not convinced me.
Maybe I'll sell the unit and try the tonelab - otherwise I'll built an isolation box for my 1x12\" Cel.Vintage30 box.
Therefore it would be very interesting to hear something about experiences with the tonelab.

Thank you


Not to state the blinking obvious... :roll:

The clear advantage over any amp+ speaker setup including the ones mentioned, is the ability to take your clean DI'd signal which you would have split from your regular bread & butter rig, and then at your leasure match the sound of your guitar parts to that of the track.

Remember every guitar sound you might need to mix will not necessarily be your own playing! One could send the dry track out to your POD, BOSS, VOXLAB, regular rig...but I'm sure I have better things to do with my time than stuff around with routings that within context of the COMPLETE song mean very little...
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