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Will the new UAD cards work along side the old one?


Just thinking here...

if/when UA comes out with the updated 2007 version of the UAD-1...will it work in tandem/alongside the old card? Will the plugins which are specifically written for the new UAD-2 algos, work on the old UAD-1? Or are the old cards just wasted metal?


Active Member
I dont know but i would suggest if there is anything right with the new UAD then you would rather free up the slot than have that old card sitting there.

'course we could all be pleasantly surprised and see native uad plugs.

Kind regards

Dave Rich


Active Member
I don't see why Ua don't allow native plugs that only work if you have a Uad-1 card installed. The native cpu would augment the dsp one. This would stop piracy...but then it might show how not uber the Uad-1 dsp actually is...I have no idea.

But I'm looking forward to the new uad-2 :)


Established Member
I strongly doubt they'll ever go native - the minute they do crackers will be all over it. I don't know much about all that, but I'd assume that the card has to do more than just be authorisation to stop the plugs being cracked (most other dongle-software has been cracked after all).

Besides which, a UAD-1 is one hell of a chunky dongle, and if you have to pay to be able to crossgrade to the UAD-1e just to keep it as a dongle, there will be uproar (from me anyway :lol: ).

I'd like to have it absolutely exactly the same as it is now, just with loads more horsepower. Ideally I would be able to use the old cards (as 33609's :D ) with the new one too. After all, it does still run a useable number of, say, 1073 SE's and it is a shame to throw that away.



Active Member
Spacey said:
I don't see why Ua don't allow native plugs that only work if you have a Uad-1 card installed. The native cpu would augment the dsp one. This would stop piracy...
No it wouldn't - someone will just write an "emulator", like the Cubase SX3 dongle emulator, which sits in memory pretending to be dongle.


Active Member
I would hope any new card would be \"backwards compatable\" when used either alone or in combination with \"old\" card(s)

If not then the value diminishes when compared to cost..........


Active Member
Awesom-o said:
Spacey said:
I don't see why Ua don't allow native plugs that only work if you have a Uad-1 card installed. The native cpu would augment the dsp one. This would stop piracy...
No it wouldn't - someone will just write an "emulator", like the Cubase SX3 dongle emulator, which sits in memory pretending to be dongle.
The cracking crew "H2o" said they would never attempt it again due to the amount of man hours that were involved. Nothing on Syncrosoft has been cracked since.

That's over a year of no cracked software using the syncrosoft dongle. Ilok is a different matter, you might as well have no protection. I would think a dsp card would be VERY hard to crack indeed.

Resonant Alien

Active Member
Which presets do you guys think you will use on the new EQ plugin that UA is going to release in February 2009? Sorry, not trying to be a prick...that's just an unanswerable question since no one here has any clue about what the new platform might be, assuming there even is one.


Established Member
Resonant Alien said:
Which presets do you guys think you will use on the new EQ plugin that UA is going to release in February 2009? Sorry, not trying to be a prick...that's just an unanswerable question
No it's not;

None :p

;) :D


Active Member
Spacey said:
Awesom-o said:
Spacey said:
I don't see why Ua don't allow native plugs that only work if you have a Uad-1 card installed. The native cpu would augment the dsp one. This would stop piracy...
No it wouldn't - someone will just write an "emulator", like the Cubase SX3 dongle emulator, which sits in memory pretending to be dongle.
The cracking crew "H2o" said they would never attempt it again due to the amount of man hours that were involved. Nothing on Syncrosoft has been cracked since.

That's over a year of no cracked software using the syncrosoft dongle. Ilok is a different matter, you might as well have no protection. I would think a dsp card would be VERY hard to crack indeed.

it does make one wonder if they bought shares in synchrosoft </conspiracy theory>


New Member
could it be a hint towards uaudio-plugins going native in the future: when selecting the different plugins on the uad-homepage->products e.g. neve 88rs - you can select it as a uad-plugin, rtas-plugin via the fxpansion tool, AND there is some AU and VST \"link\" there which is currently not active. Or has this always been there??


Venerated Member
I am no expert, but UA have already stated that they won't go native due to DSP power issues first of all. I don't know if you really can play with numbers like this but I guess it should be something like...

Every UAD-1 card has a 1GHz processor. This won't get you very far so people enjoy having three or four cards that give a total processing capability of 3- 4GHz. It's not like people have a lot of trouble maxing that kind of power out. I have a 2.4Ghz dual-core machine at my place that could give me UAD plugin instances corresponding to almost five UAD-1 cards.

That's all good, but I need that power for virtual instruments, handling 48 i/o and other native plugs. When my native CPU starts to go like 60% I slowly start to notice a decrease in workspeed. I don't like that,, my optimal situation during a mix is to have my native cpu banging away at around 30-40% to give me a good working environment and enough headroom to be comfortable.

To me, asking UA to go native would be like \"please fuck up my very stable workflow right now\". Longer waiting times, hangups.. basically just a non-efficient environment to work in. Loading the Neve 33609 emulation native on my current system would mean maybe a 15% CPU load... I mean it's silly. The Waves SSL bundle is like 1-2% per plugin on my machine. UAD Native would mean maybe 5-15% per plugin mostly. On an average mix I'm using about 70% of three cards... that would probably mean that the same load on my current machine plus the other stuff I have going on would be like 70-90%.

IMO it wouldn't even be worth thinking about until 8-10GHz workstations are available at a somewhat reasonable price. Which may be a year or so I guess. 8)
But then UA better get to it and come out with something grand! I mean when UAD-1 first came it out was priced at like 1500-2000$ if I'm not mistaken. I guess that whatever solution they've got planned, may it be a UAD-2 that has the power of 6 UAD-1s, it's going to cost something like that. I would not be happy having to start a new system for my UAD-2 and buy all plugins again for 3000$ or something, that would mean that I'd have to sell my current UAD-1 cards to people who only want to get UAD-2 cards, but maybe you'd be able to sell them off anyway, but think of all the license-transfer work UA had to get into if a lot of UAD owners suddenly decided to sell their cards... :twisted:


Active Member
Well I doubt they would make a new hardware UAD -2 that requires you to repurchase all the plugins. They are pretty cool to their customer base. I would guess that the new card would allow backwords/sideways compatibility.

Then run one of the plugin specials and watch sales blow the roof off.


Plec said:
I am no expert, but UA have already stated that they won't go native due to DSP power issues first of all.

You mean like the fact that an 8-core DAW will kick major fiery arse over the antique 1Ghz single-CPU UAD-1?

I don't get it...are they afraid that computers now-a-days aren't powerful enough to run UA plugs?



Venerated Member
You are right, there is no way to argue against that except that they have a fool proof dongle thing going with the UAD cards. Better to spend the money you were going to spend on UAD cards on more native processing power instead. If you bought four UAD cards, that's like 1600$ for just the hardware basically. That money in itself WILL get you a quad-core processor and mobo with 8GHz of power and if you want to spend the extra 800$ on another processor, that's 16GHz right there.

But the question is still if the dedicated processing power of the UAD-1 would translate like that to native. Maybe a native system would demand twice the resources to run the plugins since it isn't a dedicated system?
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