I am no expert, but UA have already stated that they won't go native due to DSP power issues first of all. I don't know if you really can play with numbers like this but I guess it should be something like...
Every UAD-1 card has a 1GHz processor. This won't get you very far so people enjoy having three or four cards that give a total processing capability of 3- 4GHz. It's not like people have a lot of trouble maxing that kind of power out. I have a 2.4Ghz dual-core machine at my place that could give me UAD plugin instances corresponding to almost five UAD-1 cards.
That's all good, but I need that power for virtual instruments, handling 48 i/o and other native plugs. When my native CPU starts to go like 60% I slowly start to notice a decrease in workspeed. I don't like that,, my optimal situation during a mix is to have my native cpu banging away at around 30-40% to give me a good working environment and enough headroom to be comfortable.
To me, asking UA to go native would be like \"please fuck up my very stable workflow right now\". Longer waiting times, hangups.. basically just a non-efficient environment to work in. Loading the Neve 33609 emulation native on my current system would mean maybe a 15% CPU load... I mean it's silly. The Waves SSL bundle is like 1-2% per plugin on my machine. UAD Native would mean maybe 5-15% per plugin mostly. On an average mix I'm using about 70% of three cards... that would probably mean that the same load on my current machine plus the other stuff I have going on would be like 70-90%.
IMO it wouldn't even be worth thinking about until 8-10GHz workstations are available at a somewhat reasonable price. Which may be a year or so I guess. 8)
But then UA better get to it and come out with something grand! I mean when UAD-1 first came it out was priced at like 1500-2000$ if I'm not mistaken. I guess that whatever solution they've got planned, may it be a UAD-2 that has the power of 6 UAD-1s, it's going to cost something like that. I would not be happy having to start a new system for my UAD-2 and buy all plugins again for 3000$ or something, that would mean that I'd have to sell my current UAD-1 cards to people who only want to get UAD-2 cards, but maybe you'd be able to sell them off anyway, but think of all the license-transfer work UA had to get into if a lot of UAD owners suddenly decided to sell their cards... :twisted: