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Will Tiger solve all UAD-1 and G5 problems?


is there any1 who has tested the alpha version of Tiger with UAD-1 and SX or Logic?
any good news around it? :roll:


according to rumor sites, apple just seeded the second tiger build to developers a few days ago (& the first one since WWDC). chances are its not mature enough for them to tell one way or the other.


Active Member
Its my understanding that the UAD and G5 have a Hardware issue

That seems to me like no software could fix that


Active Member
What is this hardware issue? It there also a hardware issue with poco?


Active Member
I dont own a G5 but from what I read there is better performance with the poco



Where did you read that information?


Active Member
I would like to know too if the uad1 will eat my resources too much (like a poco firewire did) or there's something else. I'm just about to purchase another poco or an uad1. I only have 1 pci slot left.


New Member
UAD and G5 Issues

I'm about to purchase a G5. I've been using the UAD-1 with my G4 and it's been flawless. Sorry if I missed previous discussions (just joined), but what are the issues with the G5?


New Member
Add my voice to the chorus of people who would like a FAQ or a summary of the G5 problems.




No matter what it is, isn´t it long overdue for Universal to follow up on the UAD1. Of course this is always annoying for existing user, and I am one, but I really think it´s time to consider new hardware (firewire, please).


I've been thinking about making a G5 purchase myself. I didn't even think there would be this many problems with the UAD-1 and the G5. I'm STILL using a G4 733 and I guess I may be looking at just upgrading the processor to a dual processor.

I sure hope things work out with this issue because I want a G5 BADD!!! Love the UAD-1(I have two) and also have Poco on my \"wish list\" so I'm going to stay tuned on this one.




Active Member
G5 problems are PCI bus related and have been much talked about on this forum. Do a search here and check out UAD's site there's a ton of info on it there. If you have specific question don't hesitate to ask here, it's helped me somewhat resolve most of the issues to my satisfaction.


New Member
Can you please tell me which g5 issues you have been able to resolve by checking the UAD site and this forum ?
And more importantly which issues have been impossible to resolve ??
(I'm about to purchase a G5 dual, and have already got a UAD-1 and a Firewire poco)


Active Member
Well, I had my UAD Meter Config. set incorrectly, not enabling the check box that helps with the AMD 8131 problem. I got my UAD 1 to work about to 75% or so of the level that it used to when it was in my G4.

It \"seems\" like the issue is the AMD 8131 and it's hardware based...no one I've talked to at UAD seemed too enthusiastic about the prospects of completely fixing the problem (as it seems to be an issue that is hardware based and therefore a bit difficult to work around) but, they did say they are working on the issue and trying improve things. I don't doubt them in the least. If it were simply a problem of fixing a driver I'm sure it would of been corrected by now. But, who knows, even smaller incremental improvements would be welcome and may be coming down the pipe. To be honest with you the UAD 1 has been out for a couple of years and I'd expect a new product out of UAD sooner than later, I'm sure that product will work wonderfully with G5 given that it's the current Mac available.

There's been much talk about it on this forum and it's been confirmed by UAD that the newest revision Dual 1.8 G5 doesn't use the notorious AMD 8131 chipset controlling the PCI buses, so perhaps the problem is remedied there.

I use a Magma Chassis (w/2 UAD 1 and a PoCo in it) now and I get even better results than I did when I used the cards in the G5. I'm pretty satisfied with my overall setup, it's a bit of a bummer that UAD performance isn't quite what it once was with my G4, but overall things work great.


New Member
Thanks for your response..
Just a couple more questions.
What exactly is a \"magma chassis\" ? I'm afraid I have no idea..

And I would be buying the latest 1.8 dual. But how can I make sure I get the latest revised model (In case the Warehouse trys to sell me the old version..) ? Do you the difference in specs between old and new by any chance ?? Basically I obviously would want to avoid the AMD 8131 chipset .. :?:


Active Member
Magma chassis is a box made by Magma, that has (depending on the model) 7 or 13 PCI slots and includes a card for the host computer to connect to the Magma, allowing the user to add more PCI cards to a setup than his computer will accomodate. With UAD and G5 it has the side effect of fixing, somewhat, the bandwith problem.

In my case I've got a couple of UAD 1 and a Tc Powercore in the Magma and my motu audio card and magma pci card in the g5.

I'm pretty sure any Dual G5 shipping currently would be the \"better\" pci model. I may be wrong about this but I think that original G5 had 4X DVD burners and the newer have 8X?? Yeah if you were planning to really lean on the UAD 1 for plugins I'd say go for the dual 1.8, especially if you want 2 UAD cards, the more cards in the 8131 G5, UAD performance seems to worsen at an increasing level as you add cards.

I want to emphasize that depending on what you need to do the UAD in even the 8131 G5 may be just fine. Especially with just one UAD card.
The added horsepower of the other G5 models may be a trade off that is worth it for you if you want a greater count of native plugins.


fwiw, i get enough power from my uad1 card and my dual g5 that i have no trouble. i also use outboard gear, and i don't use a large amount of plug ins, but i certainly do typical full sessions. i find myself wondering how many plug ins folks really need. if i need to many, that means the tracks are fucked up and it's a recording problem, not a mix issue. so in my case, the combination of real gear, native plug ins, and the uad1 does fine. it's not buggy or problematic, it simply has a more limited amount of instantiations because of the pci controller chip. and that doesn't happen to bother me, i still get enough plugs out of the uad1. some of the posts i've read make it sound unworkable, but i'm having a great time with it.


Active Member
I agree. I got two UAD's and most of the time I find that way more than enough. But, some of the plugs I use most, like Pultec Pro or the 1176LN do eat up a lot of processor on the UAD meter. Smaller projects under 24 tracks, the power of one card usually does the trick for me as well. I find that projects that are somewhat big, 48 tracks or so, more DSP is welcome.......and yeah some tracks I get a handed to mix that are rather f'ed up do beg for a little more UAD help unfortunately....
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