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wizooverb w5/w2 cheap bundle at jrrshop

Eddie Macarthur

Active Member
just ordered and bought from eric ; wizooverb w2/w5 bundle at $99.95. realy cheap. hope it's good! erics team have already shipped, so hope to have here in a couple of days. will report back on how it is.
uk price for w5 is still £250 and w2 is £140 so eric's price is superb. just read that product is no longer supported by m-audio/digidesign, but no problem as long as what is there works with what i have.
might even inspire me to try surround mixing in the future.
p.s. uk customs will no doubt add a little surprise. b******s!


Sadly, left this world before his time.
imdrecordings said:
Eddie Macarthur said:
just read that product is no longer supported by m-audio/digidesign,
Even the old UAD-1 isn't supported...

Nothing is supported by those Shit-Heads :evil:

M-Audio/Digidesign have bought Wizoo, though. ;o)


Sadly, left this world before his time.
Yeah, whose name I see on my PCI expansion chassis daily...

Eddie Macarthur

Active Member
big thanks to eric for really fast delivery to UK from USA. plugins are excellent. i say everybody go to jrr shop and grab it while you can. very smooth reverbs. some of them i was thinking; what a great sound , then realised i was listening to the artificial algorithms, not impulses.
you get w2 stereo version and the 5.1 w5 version at an incredibly low price. it imports 3rd party impules too.
downside for intel mac users; a sticker on the box states that universal binary will NOT be supported.
:D :D

Eddie Macarthur

Active Member
The follow-up:
Excellent plugins. Had a little trouble with presets forgetting their settings, but it turns out that although the presets are listed by both w5 and w2 in the same window, they are not compatible (even though they seem to load). In other words, it's best to create seperate folders for presets of each plugin.
sound quality is superb with the bundled high resolution impulses, and imported impulses can be mangled nicely . and the algorithmic reverbs are top notch too.
as much as i like plate 140 and tc classicverb, the wizzo definitely has a sheen to it that sounds expensive. and the way you can tailor the characteristics is very good.
my advice; get it while you can at this price.
p.s. uk customs did their thing and slapped £20 vat onto price, but it's still a bargain.
UAD Bundle Month