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Yet another G5 pci question...sorry

Had a look at the newsletter tables and had a scan around at the specs but wondering if someone can give me a quick and dirty answer on a G5 dual 2.7...I'm curently using a dual 2.5 and as such taking the slight pci-x performance hit on my ultrapak. Having shelled out a fair chunk o' change yea far I'm planning on keeping this system basically as it is for the next 2-3 years, while I'm at it though if making the minor upgrade to a 2.7 would also give me some improvement on the UAD-1 then I might consider it as I can still get nearly retail price back on the 2.5. Like I said I did have a look around but would apprerciate it if someone could just give me a quick yay or nay.
Sorry if this has been done to death-if there's another thread I should be looking at feel free to just point, thanks!


Active Member

seeing as both machines are PCI-X i can't see that the minor cpu speed bump will make much of a difference... and certainly not one i'd spend any of my money on....

OK, thanks, guess the PCI-X part answered my question. Was slightly under the impression the 2,7 had remedied the problem and am obviously keen to wring as much mileage as poss. out of my card...oh well, could always find a second card for the price of the upgrade...now THERE's an idea for a wet evening!
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