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I need Linux drivers!

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I need drivers to work with my UAD on Linux. Is there something planned in the near future?
Because most things are working great with Wine, we would need only an ALSA-driver and something like a Jack-Alsa-UAD-Bridge, so that the UAD-Plugins can be loaded as VSTs inside the DAW running on Wine.
I've loaded the UAD plugins in VST enabled Ardour and the interface side works fine. (GUIs appear properly/knobs turn etc).
Linux is on my studio box as a dual boot, I use it to download updates etc... I just had to see if the UAD card worked! It's quite spooky to see all the 1176 etc appear in Ardour!

The software won't see the card though, as the PCI driver is too low level for Wine to use it. It would be cool if they released enough info to write a proper Linux driver, even if just for the 'free' plugins, so authorization was not a problem.


Established Member
I was afraid of that, as I was considering putting Ubuntu Studio on my system. I make rethink it now or strip all the unnecesary crap of my Windows system and use Ubuntu for the internet only.


New Member
Yes. I think it would be time for UAD to join this new playing field. Linux is THE way to get huge Operating-System manufacturers to listen to Audio-manufacturers. Because Apple and Microsoft will be very open and helpful if they have to fear 3rd party manufacturers giving dirty looks to writing another AVLinux or help software manufacturers do the jump. Then again, having your intellectual property protected from reverse engineering on THE security and hacker platform is a thought to bear in mind...


New Member

My laptop runs Linux only, I use Ardour and I don't buy UA kit simply because it's not compatible. Would be nice if UA provided the necessary drivers and software to run natively on Linux.


I have a spare MacBook Pro running Ubuntu v20 for use with Bitwig Studio and Blender. I would love to use the arrow just for audio interfacing, not plugin processing....I still use Mac OS for that. A vanilla driver would be much appreciated for essential audio.


New Member
I agree! I dual boot Windows and Linux on my desktop. I would love it if I could use my Apollo Twin MK2 as a simple audio interface while on Linux.


New Member
+1 We need linux support

Bitwig, Reaper, Ardour, etc. all those DAWs offer professional audio software, we now need Pro Audio support from the hardware side!


New Member
+1 We need linux support

Bitwig, Reaper, Ardour, etc. all those DAWs offer professional audio software, we now need Pro Audio support from the hardware side!


Active Member
+1 as well. With more massive privacy concerns using anything Apple or Microsoft, I've been adding and using more Linux devices/machines.


New Member
I completely moved to Linux, and keep windows alongside just because of UAD plugins. I am not planning to update to windows 11 (and can't because of TPM chip). Please do a linux drivers! Many people are waiting for that.


Official UA Representative
I completely moved to Linux, and keep windows alongside just because of UAD plugins. I am not planning to update to windows 11 (and can't because of TPM chip). Please do a linux drivers! Many people are waiting for that.
Thanks for your interest in our products.

If you own a UAD device and would like Linux drivers, be sure to let Support know.

Also, see this post for perspective:
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Venerated Member
Perhaps start an online petition so everyone can see how many users want this?

It would need to be multiple tens of thousands.
To be honest, I am surprised to see a bunch of +1's here in this thread alone! Never would I have thought Linux would be a choice for a UAD setup! But hey, there ya go!


Official UA Representative
To be honest, I am surprised to see a bunch of +1's here in this thread alone! Never would I have thought Linux would be a choice for a UAD setup! But hey, there ya go!
The issue is, you're likely seeing all the Linux users. :)

But I'd love to be proven wrong, hence the petition idea.


New Member

Literally only registered on here to respond to this thread.

I'm rebuilding my studio, and am going to have to (regretfully) purchase a Focusrite interface to support my Linux system. I would LOVE to see Linux support for UA gear.

I believe that most Linux users are going search first for compatibility and it's quite easy to see that there's no compatibility for any UA gear through a quick google search. This is how I found this thread to begin with. So, the average consumer is going to go elsewhere to save the hassle. Due to this, you're probably not going to see many requests on here for Linux unless you have existing customers that are switching to Lunix systems. For those that are already using Linux before they shop.... They'll likely do as I'm going to and find another product.

Just because I'd still love to be able to use UA gear, I went ahead and created the petition at change.org. Here's a link: https://chng.it/YfQBsgLyWg

I'll share it in the limited number of groups I'm in. Please feel free to share it as well. Good-luck!
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