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Thinking of getting an M3000...help please

I have noticed a price drop in the UK for the M3000 reverb (£659). I have been using UAD-1 Realverb pro & SIR up to now but have never been happy, as the reverb sounds more like an effect than a truely saturated sound. I have tried the other demo verbs for UAD-1, and although good I still did not spend out for them.

Am I wasting my hard earned cash or will I be happy with the M3000?

I own a M3000 and in my opinion it's one of the best sounding reverbs. Especially the rooms are very real sounding. With other reverbs you can hear it's a reverb effect, but with the M3000 it sounds like a real room. Very awesome.
bröselmind said:
With other reverbs you can hear it's a reverb effect, but with the M3000 it sounds like a real room. Very awesome.
That's what I am wanting to find out for sure as I am not able to test one.


Sadly, left this world before his time.
Why don't you get a Powercore and VSS3? Less money, more instances than a single M3000, at least if it's the room algorithm you're after (VSS3 is the main M3000 algorithm).
Akis said:
Why don't you get a Powercore and VSS3? Less money, more instances than a single M3000, at least if it's the room algorithm you're after (VSS3 is the main M3000 algorithm).
Powercore unplugged is around £250 & Vss3 around £400 in the Uk, so it may be better to buy the hardware as it will hold its value better.



Please check out the Thomann.
Powercore unplugged and VSS3 together are now £391,95 and shipping is

Miser said:

Please check out the Thomann.
Powercore unplugged and VSS3 together are now £391,95 and shipping is
Thanks :wink:

Is it identical to the hardware though?
How mant stereo instances can run off one card?

Eric Dahlberg

Purveyor of musical dreams fullfilled.
Akis said:
That's impressive, I only get around 4 on my Element. The incredible DRV2 & NonLin2 are also available for Powercore which are only available on the M4000 & System 6000 otherwise.
buy it. I have the powercore with the VSS 3 since a few days and it is WAY better than everything I've ever tried software-wise. (and better than all UAD reverb-plugs)


denny hellbach


Hey, I saw this post, and I'm looking for a new reverb.

Does the VSS3 plugin have the multi effects that the M3000 hardware includes?

Also, if I buy the offer from Thomann can I sell the empty Powercore card as I already have PoCo Firewire?

UAD Bundle Month